Feeling Desperate?

Wealthy Retirement


Bill O'Reilly Did What?!?

Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly is no stranger to controversy. The mainstream media LOVES bashing him.

And they might just have a field day with this. Because Bill is releasing his most controversial project yet.

See what it's all about right here.

Feeling Desperate?

Rachel Gearhart, Associate Franchise Publisher, The Oxford Club

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The retirement crisis in America is real...

According to a recent Bankrate study...

  • 20% of Americans have NOTHING saved for retirement

  • Another 20% have saved less than 5% of their annual income

  • Less than 33% of Americans have saved 11% or more of their annual income.

And the COVID-19 pandemic is about to make it all a lot worse...

A whole lot worse.

According to Richard Johnson - the director of the Program on Retirement Policy at the Urban Institute - the value of Americans' retirement accounts has shrunk from $18 trillion in 2019 to $14 trillion this year (through April 3).

That's a staggering 22% decrease!


Will This Ceramic Tile Transform Global Energy?

Ceramic Tile

The lead investor behind Google and Amazon is pouring millions into this technology. Get details on the IPO stock here.

It's no wonder that we get dozens of questions from readers each week about how to right the ship...

In this week's State of the Market video, Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld addresses the desperation that many Americans are feeling in relation to their retirement savings.

(And Marc would know. He's written a couple of books on the topic.)

But what he has to say in his latest YouTube video may shock you...

Click here to watch Marc's video.

Good investing,



417-3! Congress Passes Law That Could Reduce 401(k)s. Click Here for Details.

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