A Lesson From Warren Buffett's Last Trade ←

August 6, 2020
Ultimate Insider Trade
Due to extensive shutdowns and rising unemployment rates, many Americans are nervous about how to cover their monthly expenses.

But there's a way around that…

The ultimate insider spy -- Lance Ippolito -- is revealing the strategy that allows the little guy to cash in on certain stocks… just like the big banks do.

And he's showing how everyday folks can create weekly paydays of up to $4,946!

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Lessons from Warren Buffett's Latest Investment
The story in markets this week is the same story we've been hearing since the bottom in March: Autopilot to the upside.

And that's despite catalysts that would have normally applied downward pressure -- like rising virus cases and worse-than-expected GDP data. These are both indicators that point toward a correction... eventually.

So, what lessons do we take from markets this week? And what does Warren Buffett's latest value investment in Bank of America tell us?

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Energize Your Profits With This Top Electric Vehicle ETF
One of the most important lessons I've learned over the past 26 years of trading is that the market always discounts everything known and always looks ahead.

And right now is no exception!

There's a major industry trend -- one the stock market spotted from a mile away -- coming right at us with the momentum of a freight train.

If that's not a big enough reason to hop on this train to profits, sales are expected to see a 36% uptick in 2021.

You got a ticket?
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A Double Bottom pattern is a chart pattern that describes the drop of a stock or index, a rebound, another drop to the same or similar level as the original drop, and finally another rebound. The double bottom looks like the letter "W" and signals a potential bullish reversal of an established downtrend.

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