Thinking Beyond the Dividend Aristocrats

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This week on his YouTube series State of the Market, Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld covered some of the market's most reliable dividend payers...

And why you should extend your search for yield beyond just these steady giants.

The truth is, it doesn't take a 25-year track record to prove a company's commitment to its dividend. In fact, if you know where to look, many companies without long histories of dividend raises are equally likely to deliver...

Click here to watch his latest State of the Market video. Then, be sure to subscribe to his free YouTube channel.


placeholderThe Big Reveal: This week in Safety Net, Marc featured Pembina Pipeline (NYSE: PBA), a Canadian pipeline operator that had been due for an upgrade in exchange for a strong 2019.

Today, its balance sheet tells a different story...

Discover why this energy company's 7.6% yield can't be trusted in this week's Safety Net.

Senior Woman Swing Trading


On Monday, Marc shared the story of his discovery of which trading style suited him best. Using risk tolerance as a guide, find out whether you're more of a day trader, swing trader, long-term trader or long-term investor.

Senior Woman Reading a List


Marc revealed where investors can find the safest high yields on the market. In an environment where many companies promise unsustainable payouts, these three dividend payers have earned shareholders' trust.

New Home Construction


On Friday, Contributing Analyst Jody Chudley revealed why the homebuilding sector, downtrodden since the burst of the housing bubble in 2008, may have a bullish future in store. In fact, it may be your next great value...


Look at What Obama Is Up to Now! obamagun

On June 10, 2020, Obama will get his last laugh.

That's when a group of his hand-picked cronies may single-handedly bring this raging bull market to a sudden and destructive end. To continue reading, click here.

Chart - American Pure Plays on Natural Gas Outperform the Broader Energy Sector

On Tuesday, Jody proved that when it comes to the energy sector, "There's always a bullish play somewhere." And right now, natural gas companies are profiting despite a weak oil industry.

Click here to learn why oil's crash opened opportunities for investors in this nontraditional commodity.

Where are the best opportunities in today's market? >>

How can investors go "against the crowd" and score massive returns? >>

Who is really the greatest investor in history? (Hint: It's not who you think...? >>


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