Reflect, Relax, Recharge

Profit Trends

Be Mindful This Memorial Day

Matthew Carr | Chief Trends Strategist | The Oxford Club

Matthew Carr

"May you live in interesting times."

There's a subtle curse in that old saying.

This Memorial Day, plenty of us are probably wishing for a little less "interesting" and a little more "business as usual."

Normally, this is the weekend when Americans fire up the grill and barbecue with family and friends...

When people start looking forward to hopping on a plane for their summer vacations...

When families cram into cars and drive to the mountains, the beach or somewhere relaxing to get away from it all.

This year, that's probably not in the cards for most of us.

But one of the things I've preached recently is that we should recognize moments during this crisis we never would've had the opportunity to enjoy otherwise... and the countless memories made with our loved ones.

And this is an opportunity to reflect on them.

Today is about something larger as well: honoring all of the men and women who have fought or are fighting for our country - and those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

So, yes, this probably isn't the start to summer that many of us anticipated. But because of that, this Memorial Day has the chance to be something special - to mean something more for each of us.

We hope you take the time to reflect, relax, recharge and embrace the uniqueness of this moment.

Here's to high returns,


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