New Saudi Ruler to USA: Drop Dead

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Profit Trends

New Saudi Ruler to USA: Drop Dead

Matthew Carr | Chief Trends Strategist | The Oxford Club


Do you know this man?

You should.

His name is Mohammed bin Salman.

And this erratic new ruler - better known as "MBS" - has a death grip on the Saudi Arabian kingdom.

Worse yet...

He could soon make the lives of millions of Americans quite unpleasant.

You see, in recent years, the U.S. has SLASHED oil imports from his country.

They're down from 1.7 MILLION barrels per day in 2004 to 342K today...


a 23-year low!

What's worse...

The increase in American oil production has led to a historic collapse in global oil prices.

It has obliterated the Saudis' profit margins.

And they aren't happy about it.

Saudi Arabia plans to strike back in ways FAR BEYOND what we've seen in the mainstream press.

>>> See the Saudi "Oil Weapon" Here <<<

And the weapon Mohammed bin Salman will use in the coming weeks could trigger a global economic shake-up on par with the coronavirus crash...

And even worse than the 2008 to 2009 financial crisis.

In this first-look video presentation, I detail the U.S. stocks that will be hurt most when MBS and the Saudis strike back at the U.S.

He says it could get very, very ugly for the unprepared.

Click here for my urgent new research presentation.



>>> See the Saudi "Oil Weapon" Here <<<

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