Make the most of a $10 billion federal initiative to save the internet

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The Startup Investor
Dear Reader,

This is the most important map in America. (Get the full story here.)

That's because of what the orange counties represent...

50% of the people living here have NO internet whatsoever.

Those in the blue counties aren't faring much better...

They're part of the 162 million Americans who have a slow internet connection.

The reason?

85 million Americans are now working from home...

More than 90,000 schools are teaching classes online...

And 200 million folks are in teleconferences every day.

Usage has seen a year's worth of growth in just two days.

Experts are now raising the alarm that the internet will slow down even more... or possibly crash entirely.

But the U.S. government isn't about to let that happen...

The White House has just launched a $10 billion initiative to update America's internet.

Normally, it would take years to implement an upgrade of this magnitude...

But because upgrading the internet has become a top priority for the president...

The White House has put this new internet technology on the fast track.

That's mainstream news...

But what the public hasn't caught onto yet is that this $10 billion initiative has just opened up a new opportunity to invest...

In the internet itself.

And folks who strike while the iron's hot stand to lock in an unprecedented windfall.

Click here to find out how.


Bob Keppel
Publisher, Angels & Entrepreneurs


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