You Need to Buy Gold NOW

April 27, 2020
This Could Be Your Safety Net
As more businesses continue to stay closed and unemployment rates rise, many Americans are nervous about how to cover their monthly expenses.

The most well-connected man in the country -- James West -- just developed the perfect strategy for situations like this where steady income is hard to come by.

Wednesday at 1 p.m. ET, he's revealing how everyday folks can create weekly paydays of $1,980, $3,750, and even $4,946.

That's everything you need to get by (and more)!

This could be your only chance to get through this crisis unscathed, don't let this unique opportunity slip by.

Reserve your spot now!
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Who Will Be First to the Finish Line?
Ready, set, go!

As the pandemic spreads to over two million people around the world, the dash to find an effective cure is on.

Investors and traders alike are closely analyzing stocks focused on crisis research, treatments, and tests…

But the course of recovery, more or less, depends on what takes place in this sector.

And while a lot of these companies are performing better than the overall market, the ultimate question is which company can find the solution the fastest…

Baby got track!

I Don't Care How You Do It,
But You MUST Buy Gold
If you want to put yourself in a position where you can relax and stop anxiously worrying about the future, you need to build your exposure to gold.

I don't care how you do it, but here are the reasons why you must.

We are quickly approaching a time of "hyperinflation." This is where the rate at which money is printed is happening so fast that the economy and the public slow to appreciate the speed at which purchasing power is evaporating.

But considering the world's inventory of cash has just increased by a multiple of at least 2, and the global GDP is going to go down at least 10% in the current quarter, you just can't argue with the fact that the dilutive effect of doubling the money supply is going to devalue the currency.

But here's what you can argue

"Thank you so much for your consolation. By the way, I always like you presentations, keep them up."

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