Unfrozen "dinosaur" bacteria the key to living to 140?!

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Unfrozen "Dinosaur" Bacteria the Key to Living to 140?!

The message below comes from our friends at Health Sciences Institute. While it doesn't necessarily reflect our views, we think you may be interested in what they have to say.

- Rebecca Barshop, Senior Managing Editor

It's like something out of a horror film...

A scientist took prehistoric "dinosaur" bacteria...

...frozen in ice for 3.5 MILLION YEARS...

...until he thawed it out, and injected into his arm!

Why would a scientist do such a disturbing thing?

Well... he thinks this prehistoric bacteria could be the secret to living to 140 years old!

Is he nuts? Maybe.

But if you're over 60 right now, you're going to want to see this immediately.

>>>Click Here Now to See this Shocking Discovery<<<

- Kelly

P.S. When this "dinosaur" bacteria was injected into mice, they lived 30% LONGER than regular mice. Could this be the key to extending lifespans? Get the surprising facts now.

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