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The Startup Investor
Dear Reader,

We're heading into another week stuck at home, and if you're anything like me, you probably can't wait until we can all get back to "normal" - whatever that normal will look like when this is over.

But even though we're all a little more isolated these days, we're still connecting in ways we never thought possible even three months ago. Most of our jobs have moved home, our kids are learning online, and I'm sure you all know at least one person who's hosted a game night on Zoom since this all began.

Connection doesn't just disappear during times like this... in fact, I think that it gets stronger as people put their minds together to come up with innovative ways to stay in touch. And we've seen this in the startup world too.

Here are some recent articles below to show you exactly what I mean.

Take a couple of minutes to think about them, and we'll catch up soon.

Until then,

Neil Patel

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