📝 The Cheat Sheet - April 25, 2020

Profit Trends

-74.9% YTD

-83.30% YTD

-68.9% YTD

Whiting Petroleum

Chesapeake Energy

Ultra Petroleum

Editor's Note: The 5G market has grown from nonexistent in 2015...

To a $31.3 billion worth in 2020!

But this is just the beginning...

By 2026, 5G sales could reach $11.2 trillion.

You can buy regular 5G stocks and profit from this event that way...

OR you can supercharge your returns with 5G Contracts.

Investors who used this type of trade tripled their money. And you can too.

Check out the details here.

- Kaitlyn Hopkins, Assistant Managing Editor

Buy Blue

Is U.S. Crude Done For?



When My Broker Said This Word, I Ran


Gold Bar

Crude Oil Prices Will Continue to Fall


Plan A Plan B

Is This Volatile Market Normal or Frightening?


Gas Pump

This past week, crude oil prices dropped into the negatives for the first time in history. But what does this mean for the average consumer?

Negative crude prices do not mean that gas stations will pay you to fill up your car. The price of crude oil is only a small part of what consumers are paying for at the pump. Refining costs, distribution, marketing and taxes also make up the price of gasoline.

Additionally, as of last month, 156,000 people were employed by the oil and gas sector. And many people will lose their jobs if these companies go bankrupt.



Enjoying All That Cheap Gas? (Better Watch Out for THIS Bombshell...)

Video - Matthew Carr Youtube


Don't forget to subscribe to Matthew Carr's brand-new YouTube channel!

Left Quote

A big wave of bankruptcies is coming in the oil sector. Make sure you - and your money - stay far away from it.

Right Quote

- David Fessler
Energy and Infrastructure Strategist

Chart - Steer Clear of Oil Chart

With little or no money coming in, debts loom large on strained balance sheets. And drillers are in dire straits.

Chesapeake Energy Corp. (NYSE: CHK), California Resources Corp. (NYSE: CRC) and Ultra Petroleum Corp. (OTC: UPLC) have all hired restructuring advisors to renegotiate debt with creditors.

And their stocks have all taken a serious hit in the last 12 months...

There's a good chance that none of them will be able to stay current on their debt payments.


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