This Is an Emergency

Profit Trends

This Is an Emergency

Andy Snyder asked me to urgently send the note below to all readers today. It's a subject he, as the founder of Manward Press, is passionate about. If this is something he's concerned about then it's worth paying attention to.

- Rebecca Barshop, Senior Managing Editor

I apologize if you've already seen this... but I'm trying to get this message in front of as many Americans as possible.

This is crucial.

It has to do with a topic I've devoted a lot of time to in recent months.

If you own gold, stocks or any type of income investment, you must pay attention.

Because there was big news... and virtually nobody reported it.

Safe deposit box leaseCentral banks across the globe are racing to create their own digital currencies.

It's nuts.

It would entail a complete replacement of notes and coins.

No more cash.

That should scare the heck out of you.

And thanks to a two-day meeting in Washington next month... this could affect you and your money very soon.

This is an emergency... a dire emergency that threatens your money and your economic freedom.

I've put everything I know - including details on a five-step "survival" program - at this link.

The clock is ticking.

I urge every American to take immediate action.

Click here now.

Be well,

Andy Snyder
Founder, Manward Press

P.S. When one country recently tried something like this, the fallout was immediate and painful. I've included a video at this link.

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