Mysterious Market Pattner Could Bring Triple-Digit Explosions

This pattern trading secret could net you $15,000 in extra income a month. Legendary trader will cover exactly how right here, free of charge.
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EDITOR'S NOTE: This pattern trading secret could net you $15,000 in extra income a month. Legendary trader will cover exactly how right here, free of charge.
Dear Reader,

Keith Fitz-Gerald, the chief investment strategist from Money Morning, has discovered something very strange happening in the stock market...

An unusual pattern has been appearing on the stock charts of more than 70 publicly traded companies.

Some of these companies have been blue chips...

Some have been tiny micro caps most people have never heard of...

But the incredible results have been the same.

If you had made one specific move when this pattern appeared, time after time, it could have led to very significant - and very rapid gains.

I'm talking about windfalls (including partial closeouts) like 204% on FICO... 129% on ASML... 132% on XLK... and 203% on VMWare.

You could have even pocketed a 319% gain on a small defense firm called Leidos Holdings, in less than 90 days.

In fact, what we found during our research into this absolutely blew our minds.

This pattern could give you a shot to triple your money every five days on average.

And until now, Keith has only shared his sightings of this strange pattern with a small group of his closest followers.

Most of these men and women have never worked on Wall Street... haven't had any experience with big trading firms... some had never invested a day in their lives...

Yet they have used this unique pattern to change their lives in some truly amazing ways.

One man has already made $63,429. Another made an astounding $50,000 on a single trade.

So with these kinds of results, I urged Keith to share his findings with everyone today.

In this short presentation, Keith is going to show you precisely how to spot this pattern two to three times every month in ordinary stocks...

And how you can capitalize on it for potential triple-digit gains.

I was amazed at how simple this is... honestly, you're going to be really excited after Keith shows you how much money you can make.

Go here now for your own private viewing.

To Your Success,

Mike Ward
Publisher, Money Morning

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