"Discover the Secrets To Creating Sensational Handmade Cards That Will Be Treasured By Your Loved Ones And Envied By Your Card Making Friends"

If you have ever wanted to create jaw-dropping, eye-popping handmade cards at the drop of a hat (amazing your friends and family with your talent and making them feel cherished by your personalised gift from the heart)...while having fun and expressing your personality... then this will be the most important message you ever read.
Here's Why . . .
I started making cards in 2004. It seemed like a natural progression from scrapbooking, but it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.
I was a complete novice and was always struggling to find ideas and inspiration.
One day my mind would be overflowing with ideas and I'd be itching to get to my craft table to make cards. And the next would have me staring blankly at all my supplies wondering what on earth to do. Those days were terrible - sitting there desperately wanting to make something beautiful but lacking that creative spark to get me going. It was heart-wrenching.
I would sit there for hours and hours and have absolutely nothing to show for my efforts, except maybe a pile of supplies messily dumped all over my desk. I would agonise over my designs. I'd keep shuffling things around, trying different arrangements, taking things away, adding extra things in - all in an attempt to make things just right and create that 'wow' factor. I was even afraid to cut up my papers in case I made a mistake and ruined them!
Doesn't that drive you bananas? There's nothing worse than sitting down to make someone a birthday card only to find you have no clue what to do - especially when the birthday party is just an hour away!
Fortunately I Discovered the Secrets To Creating Eye-Catching Designs With Ease...Whenever I Want! And when I did, my card making world changed forever. After just a few short days of trying these new secrets. . .
I no longer had 'card makers block'. I could create higher quality, more professional looking cards than I ever had before...and more often (all the frustration and worry just disappeared and card making became so much more fun!) I couldn't wait to sit down and make cards...as it no longer felt like a chore. It was so easy! And you should see the looks on my loved ones faces now when they open up a card from me! Their eyes just light up and a huge smile crosses their face. I even get exclamations of "Wow" and "That's so cool!" from my teenage nieces and nephews. My handmade cards have become treasured keepsakes that stay on display months (sometimes years) after the special event that they were created for has passed. Plus - incredibly... Many of My Friends and Family Started Begging Me to Show Them "How I Did It"!
And it just keeps getting better and better! My fellow card makers think I am a card maker extraordinaire with special creative powers.
But the truth is, it's not magic at all!
What I discovered had nothing to do with my ability to be creative...and the secret is so simple.
All you need is a plan!
Plans are essential in our every day lives. Last time you took a family vacation, you had a plan. You knew where you were going, how you were going to get there and what you were going to take. Sure, you probably made a few minor adjustments along the way - perhaps you took a side trip, made an additional stop or skipped something altogether, but you still had an overall plan. And by having that plan, you didn't have to constantly stress about all the little decisions along the way, so you had more time to relax and enjoy yourself.
Card making is no different. When you start making a card with a plan, you don't have to worry about all the tiny little decisions that we often get caught up in. You already know what your overall design will look like (i.e. you know where you are going), the steps you need to take to get there and what supplies you need. So you can focus on having fun.
Having a plan means you have a very specific and clear direction to follow, so you don't have to sit there staring aimlessly at a blank card for ages. And believe me, I know what that feels like.
I used to think I didn't have any creative flair at all. I would look around at all the fabulous creations other card makers were making and I just thought that type of creative genius was way out of my reach.
But lucky for you, I didn't give up. In fact, I started making attention-grabbing masterpieces during the commercial breaks of my favourite tv shows...and in a flash of insight, I had found the simple truths behind sensational card designs:http://bit.ly/8XxOdI This Was A Huge Advantage Over Other Card Makers! I could be a "card making guru" without being the next Picasso!
I found my confidence and was no longer a slave to the creativity "monster." I could create distinctive and enchanting cards whenever I felt like it without any of the frustrations of trying to find inspiration.
It's like having the light bulb to your imagination permanently switched on.
So what's the big secret?
I'll tell you! Card Making Sketches are the secret to my card making success. This overlooked and often forgotten technique sent the originality and 'wow' factor of my designs through the roof by allowing me to focus on the fun side of card making (like colours to use, techniques to try and embellishments to play with) and not the dull, difficult stuff like trying to figure out how to arrange everything in an eye-pleasing design.
Sketches are so easy to use! They allow you to start every new card with a plan so you know what you are doing before you start. They show you what elements you will need to make your card and how to arrange them so that they look fabulous.
Anyone - anyone - can use sketches to instantly transform dull, blank cards into first-class masterpieces exploding with colour, gorgeous patterns, exquisite embellishments and anything else your imagination can dream of. Whatever your level of experience, you'll have your loved ones and fellow card makers drooling over your latest creations in envy.
How can this simple secret do all of this for you? Easy. . . because this secret. . .

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