Complete Guide To Making Money While You Sleep.

The Complete Guide To Making Money While You Sleep
is a 340-page digitally downloadable book which is a deep investigation into the entire subject of automated income; about who is doing it, techniques and strategies being used - and about the essential principles of asset management, entrepreneurship and profit.
The book delves deeply into actual methods that people are using to make money while they sleep, and presents a full list of scenarios that are in use today. It is a serious study packed with research, information and knowledge.
Making money while you sleep is very different from making "money for nothing". Making automated income is truly possible for many people; but if you want to start doing it, you will have to do certain things first and do them well. My book discusses an incredibly wide range of methods, but one thing you will find different about my materials is that I'm realistic about what's possible. To create automated income you typically need to "have something" first - whether this is "inside knowledge", special skills, or assets that can be put to "work for you". The Complete Guide dives into all these arenas and investigates them in full.
There are a huge number of possibilities in this field and the book covers a very diverse range. I'm confident you will find it exciting - it is a book about strategy, about "working for yourself" rather than working for someone else, about life paths - and it discusses whether there are realistic options to doing a job until you are 65.
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For the doubters...
I really do make money while I sleep - and I don't just mean from sales of this book. I'm not going to lie to you and pretend I live on a luxury yacht and do nothing all day - but I really can put my hand on my heart and testify to the fact that I receive checks in the mail for work which was finished months or years ago but which still continues to pay me. It is an incredibly rewarding, liberating feeling!
There are probably those who have already said to themselves "Oh, this is bound to be just one of those pyramid schemes telling you to write a book telling people to write a book telling people to write a book... etc". This is absolutely NOT the case - and so for those who doubt my sincerity, here it is: A list of some companies from whom I actually make money while I sleep, and from whom I receive checks in the mail or Paypal payments for real work that I have done that continues to pay me: (online sales of my series of books including this one) (advertisements on my web sites) (online sound library) (advertisements on my web sites) (advertisements on my web sites) (royalties from my music played on the radio etc) (digital music distribution) (pay-per-view on articles submitted)
The above are just a tiny fraction of the mind-blowing array of methods and possibilities which are explored in my book! And please note that although the list above contains mostly internet methods, there are a huge number of ways to make money while you sleep that are not internet based. The book explores and investigates these too!
( Please note of course - you yourself may or may not be able to make money while you sleep through these and / or other companies , and the amount you can make is very variable and dependent on many factors. I cannot guarantee how much you will make - because this depends amongst other things on your abilities, market forces and trends, choices you make, how much focused effort you put into it and how well you "set things up".)
However, it is an absolute fact that the possibilities for automated income are truly greater than they ever have been in recorded history, and are growing all the time!
Making money while you sleep is real - for some - and there exists a genuine possibility that you might be able to leverage your skills, assets and abilities to set yourself free from having to do a stupid job, and from working your butt off to make someone else rich until you are old and tired.
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It Really Is Possible To Make Money While You Sleep - But How?
Right now, as you are reading this, there are a surprising number of people, from many different walks of life who are actually making good money while they sleep - completely legally. Many of these are individuals who supplement their incomes with a few extra dollars. Some are fully fledged businesses that leverage assets and automated processes to increase the value of their empires. And a few really are making millions from systems they have set up - while they go and do other things.
* I don't just mean the already-wealthy who make fortunes in interest.
* Or stressed-out currency traders who risk it all trying to gain it all.
* I don't just mean pensioners living off the interest of funds that have taken a lifetime's struggle to accumulate.
* I don't just mean crafty internet marketers with clever web sites that bring in dollars round the clock.
* And most importantly of all, I don't mean con-artists who persuade people to part with their cash - but don't give anything worthwhile in return. This part is important. It's not about giving people the "thin end of the deal". The true essence of making money while you sleep is about understanding the way assets work, and about creating or selling things that are of benefit to others which can either be delivered through automated systems, or which harness the power of automation to improve the lives of others.
There are all kinds of ways to make money while you sleep. Some of them are commonly known - such as property rentals or trading stocks. These are well documented; and if the Complete Guide was only about these, it would be no new thing. But there are many methods that are not commonly discussed or even known about - and not only this, but there are fascinating principles behind wealth creation which apply across the board. Those who know the underlying principles stand the greatest chance of being able to get "ahead of the curve" in the exciting times that are ahead of us.
The kind of work that produces continuous, repeated or automated revenue is strategically different from the kind of work that stops paying you the moment you stop working. To make money while you sleep, you need to do the right kind of work. It is a different concept and has a different set of rules and governing principles (all of which I discuss in full detail in the book).
Powerful trends and forces are changing the world right now - and are providing more genuine opportunities than ever before to make automated income. The "hard labour" of old times is being ever more replaced by technology, and the reward in human effort is shifting towards ideas, and innovation. What's fascinating is that there are a growing number of people who are quitely making their living, perhaps even making a fortune, through asset systems and automation.
Making money while you sleep is a real possibility - but it typically involves having the right knowledge and doing some real work first. If you're just looking for a way to get "money for nothing", you probably won't find it here - because that attitude is actually opposed to the kind of attitude you need to make automated revenue. However, if you're interested in a full investigation into systems that are being used by real people to create automated income - and are prepared to roll your sleeves up and do some proper study of this fascinating subject, and then patiently do some of the "right kind of work" - then get ready for one of the most exciting rides around.

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