It's time to claim your gift

Grab yours before someone else claims it!
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Dear Trader,

Before I tell you more about the $1,346 gift I've prepared for you today...

Let me ask you this question first:

What's the investment you MOST regret missing out on?

You know, the one where you had that "gut feeling..."

But you never acted on it?

Every trader I know has a few of these under their belt.

But here's what separates the hobbyists from the pros.

The pros LEARN from their mistakes.

They make sure there isn't another "trade" they regret missing out on.

And August might be shaping up to be another one of those "regrets" if you're not quick!

Here's why:

I will be releasing August's hot trades this Sunday evening, each one aimed at earning you fat gains of up to 200% in 5 days or less.

I'm talking about the kind of profits that could change your life... the perfect start to your summer!

And when you sign up tonight (via this link), your savings are huge... and we'll upgrade your subscription to LIFETIME status.

This means that instead of paying the normal $1,495 price for one year, you'll get a lifetime subscription (never expires) for the discounted price of just $149.

Why am I doing this?


I believe there is a massive "volatility vortex" poised to hit right around options week.

And because increases in volatility cause options to spike, this puts us in a prime spot to score some huge, fast gains.

Current subscribers recently scored a quick money-tripler on Workhorse Group calls. Those who purchased 5 contracts turned an investment of $730 into $2,190 - in just 4 trading days.

Those who went all-in and bought 20 contracts turned $2,920 into $8,760... a staggering $5,840 profit in 4 short days!

Now, I'm convinced that we'll see more huge gains this month, with tons of market-moving factors in play:

  • Industrial production figures from the EU and India are due for release on today.
  • 1,100 U.S. companies, including Disney, eBay, Airbnb, and DoorDash report earnings this week.
  • The U.S. consumer sentiment report is due for release on Friday.
  • Inflation data is a hot topic right now with report6s expected on consumer and producer level inflation...

I don't know how they'll all play out, but I do know that they'll move the markets... and that's a great thing for options traders, especially leading up to expiration.

Look, I've been trading options for over 40 years.

I've traded the 1987 crash, the raging bull 90s, the Y2K tech boom and bust, and of course the 2007-8 "Great Recession."

And I made money in all of them.

This is because options don't care if the markets are in bear or bull mode.

Make money going up.

Make money going down.

I've seen a lot.

But I've never seen an options setup quite like the one we are sailing into over the next 8 days.

Whether you're an experienced trader, or just dipping a toe into the options world, Expiration Week Countdown gives you a powerful edge...

... And the opportunity to bank some huge gains between now and next Friday, August 20th. I'm talking about 6 opportunities to double or triple your money in the next 8 days.

Plus, it couldn't be any easier to execute.

Here are the details again:

If you sign up tonight, we will send you our 6 August trades (via email) at 7pm EST this Sunday, August 15th.

The next morning, you spend a few minutes placing the recommended trades (we give you exact entry and exit points so there is zero guesswork).

Each trade targets up to 200% returns in 5 days or less (so your money is not tied up a moment longer than necessary in this wild market).

And the price is right... plus I'm throwing in a very special summer bonus.

Expiration Week Countdown is normally $1,495 per year... a fair price considering it delivers 6 potentially money-tripling trades each and every month.

But when you sign up right now, you can get in for just $149.

And as a special bonus, I'll remove the expiration date from your new subscription, giving you lifetime access to these amazing trades... at huge savings off the regular one-year price.

I can't promise I will ever offer this deal again.

And I definitely can't promise that we will ever see an options week like this in our trading lifetimes.

So click the link below, grab one of the remaining LIFETIME upgrade slots, and I will rush you your first 6 Expiration Week Countdown trades the moment they go out on Sunday evening.

Act Now!

I look forward to toasting your first successful trades by next Friday's market close.

Best regards,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

Divider Bar

Trade on Monday....Close by Friday...
Triple Your Money!

Plus, Secure Your Lifetime Membership Today...

Dear Trader,

Next Friday, August expiration options enter their final day of trading.

And that's exactly why it's important for me to let you know that this Sunday you can gain access to six profit-ready August expiration trades primed for profits of 100% to 200% in less than 5 days!

Here are some of our recent wins:



Holding Period
 (trading days)

 American Airlines Group calls


 8 days

 Zoom Video Communications puts


 2 days

 Peloton Interactive calls


 5 days

 Boeing calls


 2 days

 Zoom Video Communications puts


 3 days

 Pinterest calls


 8 days

Click Here for Lifetime Access!


It would be an exaggeration to claim that the investment titan of our times - Warren Buffet - originated the concept of investing with the goal of achieving a profit equal to a multiple of your original investment.

Many savvy stock market investors in previous decades (and centuries) had focused on achieving similar results.

But it's likely that very few have been as successful as Buffet in utilizing such an approach, and certainly there have been none as high profile as "the oracle of Omaha".

Buffet's belief is that if he does his research properly there is no reason he can't grow his stake in the companies he finds most attractive to two and three (and even five and ten) times his original investment - and he has achieved more than his "fair share" of such spectacular investment successes.

But for those (like you and me) who are attracted to the world of options trading, success like that achieved by Warren Buffett is accompanied by a "catch".

Because Buffett has often stated that his ideal time-frame for a typical investment is "FOREVER".

And this makes sense, as most stocks require something resembling "forever" to double or triple in price.

But while this may be fine if you have infinite patience (and multi-millions in available capital), the first task for most of us who like the idea of "multiplying our money" is to see if we can accomplish this within finite time frames.

But, alas, until the early-1970's, those seeking outsized investment profits were faced with an "inconvenient truth":

Doubles and triples (over periods of weeks or months) can almost never be achieved by trading stocks.

Trading in listed equity options was introduced on a very small scale in the early-1970's, but it soon began to grow exponentially.

And by now it is fairly common knowledge that - by purchasing a typical 3-month call option it is possible to double or triple your money on just a 10-20% rally in the underlying stock.

So no longer are investors required to wait forever to multiply their money!

But, of course, there's the inevitable "catch" - one that completely turns away many investors from options trading and causes serious financial pain for others bold enough to give options a try:

You can't even pretend to successfully take enough 100% and 200% profits from options trading unless you know the rules.

And this means you must understand options theory, you must understand how options trading plays out in the real world, and you must be a strong technical analyst of stock prices.

The good news is that our team of analysts at Schaeffer's meets every one of these pre-requisites for success at multiplying money by trading options.

But the better news is that their expertise extends to an additional discipline critical for options trading success.

And the best news for you is that with this added expertise in tow, we can up the ante and telescope the time you need for money multiplication in your options trading - from "weeks and months" to "less than 5 days"!

Here's something else that everybody knows (at least everyone with some experience trading options).

When you trade options with 5 days or less until expiration, you can double or triple your money on moves of just 3-6% in the underlying stock.

That's right, you don't need 10-20% stock moves when you trade during option expiration week to achieve doubles and triples - you can accomplish this on stock moves as small as 3%!

Because the dollar cost of your at the money expiration week option is only about 30% of its dollar cost with 3 months until expiration.

And this "discounted by 70%" expiration week premium requires only minor moves in the underlying stock to get seriously multiplied and create opportunities for huge trading profits.

So if everybody knows this, then why doesn't everybody trade during expiration week?

In fact, why do most options traders avoid trading during expiration week?

Ask them, and they'll tell you it's because "it's riskier" to trade over this period.

But that's not at all true - in fact, it can be proven, based on the options pricing models, that trading during expiration week is no riskier than trading 3-month, 12-month or 24-month options.

When you trade expiration week, your losses do come at you faster - but then again, so do your profits.

And who wouldn't prefer tripling their money in 4 days to tripling their money in 4 months?

The truth is, most options traders avoid expiration week trading because they lack an area of critical expertise that's absolutely necessary for success over this "telescoped" 5-day period.


At Schaeffer's, we have prided ourselves over the years on our gathering and analysis of options-based data - much of which entirely escapes the radar of most options traders.

This data includes information on option "open interest" - in total, by expiration month, and by expiration month and by strike price.

What is option open interest?

It is the total number of options contracts, separately for each expiration month and strike price, currently in existence.

And as the days count down to a monthly options expiration, if you are not "plugged in" to the levels of open interest at each of the key strike prices for the expiring option series (as well as the more recent changes to those open interest levels) - you are operating with an "information deficit" that will likely be fatal to your results.


Because without a deep awareness of what we at Schaeffer's call the "front-month open interest configuration", you are missing out on an "advance view" of the most likely scenario for the price level at which an underlying stock will be trading by expiration Friday!

And needless to say, each and every one of the six trades we'll release to you this month in our Expiration Week Countdown package is subject to the rigorous analysis of our team of analysts, and this includes an in-depth assessment of open interest configurations.

Click Here for Lifetime Access!


As I've mentioned, there is nothing "extra risky" about expiration week trading.

It's true losses can be realized much faster when the holding period is limited to 5 days, but you will also cash out in just a few days when you double or triple your money!

So your decision to trade expiration week for the big, fast profits it offers comes down to whether or not your trades are based on the #1 key to profitable expiration week options trading.

Many options traders would probably warn that you must "avoid the big losses" in order to be able to profit during expiration week.

And while no one enjoys taking losses, experienced options traders know they will always be a part of even the most profitable options trading program.

And that all profitable options trading programs are about the profits from the successful trades more than offsetting the inevitable losing trades.

So it shouldn't surprise you to learn that the #1 key to profitable expiration week trading is to maximize the frequency of your biggest profit trades.

That's right: The key to taking profits out of expiration week is your ability to turn some big profits from your mix of trades.


Because by generating enough profit trades, you can be assured of a bottom line profit - even if you do incur some big losses along the way!

Why else?

Because (in many cases), a few big profit trades can assure you of a bottom line profit - even if you have more losing than winning trades!

So here's something else that should be no surprise.

Each and every one of the six recommended trades contained in your Expiration Week Countdown package (which will be ready to release to you on Sunday evening) is developed by our team of analysts with a laser focus on optimizing your big profit opportunities - opportunities to double or triple your money!

So you can step up to the plate this week to trade this August 2021 options expiration - and know you are well positioned for gains.

Click Here for Lifetime Access!

You'll find your option expiration trade package - ready for delivery to you this Sunday - to be exactly what you'd expect from us at Schaeffer's, with our 40-year foundation in options trading.

The information is remarkably simple, straightforward and easy to implement, yet it is also clearly reflective of the high quality and great depth of our options-based research, plus our savvy at translating this into specific trades that are primed for big profits over this very short time-frame.

First and foremost, your package will contain your six expiration options - each for a separate underlying stock or ETF and ready to enter on Monday - and each primed to double or triple by the final day of August options trading on Friday.

Accompanying each of these option recommendations will be a specific target profit level - either +100% (double your initial investment) or +200% (triple your initial investment). Your objective is to close as many of these options trades at the price corresponding to your target profit level - and this may occur at any time over the course of this expiration week.

And finally, our exclusive "bullet point checklist" will allow you to process at a glance, for each of these six trades, the specific technical and options-based indicators driving us to conclude they are primed to double or triple in less than 5 trading days!

With all of this information, trading the Expiration Week Countdown recommendations couldn't be easier. And since your Expiration Week Countdown trades all arrive on Sunday evening, you can set them up in just a few minutes, all from the comfort of your home.

It doesn't get much easier than that - join us now to see for yourself!

A year of Expiration Week Countdown trades are priced at an affordable $1,495. And I think that's more than fair considering that all six trades are poised to generate massive profits for you in such a short time each month.

But today, through this exclusive offer, you have an opportunity to receive a year of Expiration Week Countdown trades at the incredibly low price of just $149.

That's a savings of $1,346 off the one-year price!

Plus, to sweeten the deal, I'm going to remove the expiration date from your subscription.

That means you'll receive LIFETIME access to Expiration Week Countdown for JUST $149!

Click Here for Lifetime Access!

But to receive your first Expiration Week Countdown trades this Sunday and secure your lifetime subscription, you must join us by midnight tonight!

I look forward to hearing from you, Trader.

Yours in profits,

Bernie Schaeffer
Owner and CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research

5151 Pfeiffer Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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