Everything You Need to Know About Crypto, Gold and Crude Oil

Published: August 12, 2021

Roger Scott: What You Need to Know About Crypto, Gold and Crude Oil

If you're an avid watcher, then you know I tend to give away some of my favorite stock picks in these videos. But this time, I'd thought I'd help you make a connection about something I rarely talk about: the relationship between crypto, gold and crude oil. 

That's because when China and Australia accelerated their lockdown measures when COVID-19 first stuck, gold had a major sell-off. 

If you look at GLD, an ETF that tracks gold, it's trading the exact same way right now. 

Gold's at its lowest price in four months, which is significant. And it has everything to do with this report…

What You Need to Know

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Jeff Zananiri: 4 Reasons Why Investors
Should Avoid Gold

On paper, mid-August should just be another slow week in the stock market... but I'm not buying that for a second! 

This past weekend, futures acted sporadically as gold had a flash crash of 5% on Sunday night  when futures opened for trading at 6 p.m. EDT. The word on Wall Street is that a big hedge fund account had to dump $4 billion! 

I find it super odd that the hedge fund had to quickly sell everything on a Sunday night, but who knows... 

The key takeaway for traders from this Sunday night disaster is there are times when hedge funds are blindsided, causing a big sell-off to happen quickly.

And there's a certain way events like this need to be handled. So let's take a look at gold, as I know many traders have an interest in it.

But Should They?

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This Secret Calendar
Can Tip off the
Market's Next Move

Did anyone know that a few dozen stocks have gone up on the same calendar dates every year for over the past decade? 

We're guessing most would answer with a resounding "no."

Very few people have heard about these predictable calendar dates. But by tapping into them, traders have the chance to lock in consistent winners all year long — no matter what's going on in the broader markets! 

Legendary traders Roger Scott and Tom Busby are pulling back the curtain on this proprietary stock "calendar."

Take Advantage of These Predictable Patterns

The Top Stocks to
Buy Following Last Week's Big Data

August 6, 2021

With the first week of August fully behind us now, I've compiled a short list of stocks to watch in August...   

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2 Staffing Stocks to Target Despite the Bottleneck in Hiring

August 6, 2021

There's some low-hanging fruit in the staffing industry. So it's a good thing I managed to get my hands on two staffing stocks set to gain despite the fall in private jobs.    

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