A High-Flying Crypto STOCK?!

Wealthy Retirement


GIANT Buy Signal

ndustrial Technology Concept

A former telecom insider has gone live with a shocking recommendation.

This trade involves 5G, the U.S. Army, billions of dollars...

And a bizarre device that could soon be found in EVERY home across America.

If you buy just one stock in 2021, you should make it this one.

Details on this recommendation here...

Editor's Note: Today we're featuring Rebecca Barshop, Senior Managing Editor of our sister e-letter Profit Trends.

Rebecca isn't one to gamble with her savings. So when we heard she was eyeing a new crypto for her portfolio, our heads turned.

Then came an even bigger surprise...

Rebecca actually has her targets set on a fast-growing crypto STOCK that Profit Trends' Chief Trends Strategist Matthew Carr forecasts could make a killing.

His signature VIPER System gives it a score of 92.4 out of 100... while Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN) lags behind at 63.6!

To learn more about the crypto stock that's got Matthew and Rebecca hooked, click here.

Read on to learn more about the lower-risk way to play crypto.

- Kyle Wehrle, Assistant Managing Editor

The Safer Way to Profit From Crypto

Rebecca Barshop, Senior Managing Editor, The Oxford Club

Rebecca Barshop

Truth be told, I wouldn't consider myself a risky person.

These days, my idea of a crazy night is a pint of ice cream, a bottle of wine and maybe staying up until midnight.

It's not that I never let loose... But you'd have to really sell me on the idea first.

I take a similar approach in my investing practices.

I like a little volatility here and there. As they say, there's no reward without risk.

But I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing that the next day's market movements could either make me a millionaire or leave me homeless.

For example, the whole world of cryptocurrencies felt like an extreme sport to me at first. It was too expensive, too risky and too uncertain.

Sitting on the sidelines of the crypto boom was like watching your friends go bungee jumping and saying, "I guess I'll see you at the bottom."

But thankfully, I found a way to have my cake and eat it too... or, in this case, invest in the crypto boom and have the opportunity to keep my nest egg secure.

More Like Crypt-No

Cryptocurrencies are more trouble than they're worth, in my book.

Many of the popular, more legitimate coins trade for upward of $1,000 apiece. (Upward of $44,000 if we're talking about the king coin.) And you need to have an ultra-secure crypto wallet to purchase them.

Stocks, on the other hand, are easily accessible in my everyday trading account. But they don't often enjoy the same upside as the volatile digital currencies.

Until now...


Gold Chart

Do you own gold?

Somebody recently decided to buy a lot of it...

And I think I know why.

Click here for details on a brand-new way to invest in gold.

There's a happy medium out there for anyone who wants the accessibility of a stock with the upside potential of crypto.

I'm thinking of one stock in particular...

Downfalls of Trading Cryptos and The Benefits of Our Crypto Stock

My good friend and colleague Chief Trends Strategist Matthew Carr told me all about it just the other day. He calls it the fastest-growing crypto stock in the world.

And for good reason. This company's income is up 7,979% in the past year...

Its earnings per share are up 825%...

Its cash on hand is up 44,560%...

And its revenue is growing at an unprecedented rate of 1,445%.

I've never seen numbers like that.

And based on how the company is set up, it's positioned to profit as the Bitcoin craze continues.

Even if the price of Bitcoin stayed flat, this company would be on track to quadruple its projected 2021 revenue.

But if Bitcoin went to $100,000, revenue would jump 10 times.

Bitcoin at $200,000 would cause it to jump 20 times.

And if Bitcoin goes all the way to $500,000, we're talking about 50 times more revenue.

In other words, this company enjoys its upside alongside Bitcoin... but operates without the fear that one negative tweet could sink the whole ship.

Plus, it was hand-picked by Matthew, who is the single most dedicated market analyst out there.

If you want someone who works early mornings, late nights and weekends...

Whose mission in life is to help you - a total stranger - pay off debt, retire comfortably and enjoy some financial independence...

Then you have to hear what he has to say.

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

There's more to it, but I simply can't do it justice.

To recap everything we know so far...

Year Over Year

And this barely scratches the surface.

Matthew has prepared a brand-new presentation for anyone who's interested in learning more about the fastest-growing crypto stock in the world.

For me, crypto was a risk I never thought I could take without compromising my financial future. But I was wrong.

It could be the same for you.

Good investing,



"Perfect Retirement Income Generator" Lets Folks Skip High-Risk Investments

More than HALF of U.S. consumers have just $3,000 in their checking AND savings accounts! But now regular folks can rake in cash income each MONTH with this higher-safety "Perfect Retirement Income Generator" investing strategy. (Risky businesses simply do NOT make it through.)

USA Today says this type of plan is "a financial security blanket" for folks "worried about the economy."

To see how YOU could start collecting a lifelong stream of these payouts as soon as 30 days from today, click here.

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