♟ Did You Claim Your Wall Street Giveaway?

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Did You Claim Your Wall Street Giveaway?
Karim Rahemtulla, Head Fundamental Tactician, Monument Traders Alliance
Pawn Chess Piece If not, I'm going to show you how to be ready for the next one.

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WAROverheard Inside The War Room
Pawn Setting the table for a master super-speculative play - it could be a trifecta directional mover. More to come.
Pawn The next MRNA pullback might be the move we need for a call spread. Tracking...
Pawn Members locked in profits on ABBV this morning. Click here to start profiting alongside them!
Karim Rahemtulla
On Monday, Wall Street was in a giving mood - did you get your giveaway? For those of you who didn't, I'm going to show you how you can be ready for the next giveaway.

But first, a quick word about our own FREE giveaway!

There's an old economic adage that there is "no such thing as a free lunch." I know this adage well, as one of my majors in college was economics and my professors loved explaining what it meant.

Basically, nothing is free and you will pay for it in some fashion. However, that is not true for the War Room Open House that will happen next week. You can watch the inner workings of The War Room absolutely free for a week, plus get five free tutorials (more on those later). No credit card and no payment required - zero, nada, zilch. Just sign up and enter The War Room at your leisure!

Click here to sign up. Remember, it's absolutely free for a full week!

On Monday, Wall Street had a mini-panic. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down more than 930 points at one point... the S&P 500 was down more than 85 points... the Nasdaq was lower too... yada, yada, yada...

These big numbers are no longer as scary when the denominator is huge as well. The Dow closed lower by 700 points, a whopping 2%. The talking heads love to focus on points when percentages just aren't as sensational!

But, in all corrections, even small ones, there are some great bargains in the making. Those bargains are created by volatility. The Volatility Index, or VIX - a measure of market volatility - jumped by more than 20%. Now that is a MOVE worth crowing about.

That move goosed options premiums, as one of the most important components of the price of an option is... you guessed it... volatility.

And, when options premiums get goosed, you want to be a seller of premium. What does that mean? Well, when options prices are high, you want to sell options, and when they are low, you want to buy them.

That's exactly what War Room members did on Monday. They took advantage of the volatility to double up on their put sell on Dow Inc. (NYSE: DOW), and then they took advantage of the market dip to buy back covered calls for more than $5 that they sold for less than $1. That's a more than 80% gain on buying back that option!

Jan P. locked in an 83% gain on the Tupperware Brands (NYSE: TUP) covered call trade...

"I closed the 3 Shares/Contracts I opened at $5.10 for $0.85. Thanks, Karim {83%}!"

So did Tad!

"I closed the 1 Shares/Contracts I opened at $5.20 for $0.90 for a {83%} gain on the short. THX KR!"

Here's an important piece of advice I told War Room members: Never waste down days!

And I mean it. You have to have a plan for up days and down days. I want to see green whether the market is higher or lower.

That's what makes The War Room so unique. We analyze the market in EVERY scenario... and help members profit no matter what the market gives us. But you don't have to take my word for it.

Action Plan: Join us for FREE for one full week during our War Room Open House from July 26 to 30.

Get all of our real-time market analysis and research... and ALL of our live trade recommendations. And, with earnings season in full bloom, it will be one of the most exciting weeks. Plus, we'll even give you FREE tutorials every single day - everything from Options 101... to my popular Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities (LEAPS) strategy... and how to use "W" and "M" patterns to profit.

We let only about 3,000 people in our last War Room Open House... and that was almost more than our staff could handle. We already have almost 3,000 people registered now... So at some point, we may have to shut down registrations. We want to ensure EVERYONE who registers gets the full War Room experience. So if you want in... better act fast.

Don't Miss Out - Click Here to Sign Up NOW!

Yours in smart speculation,
Karim Rahemtulla Signature
Karim Rahemtulla, Head Fundamental Tactician
Monument Traders Alliance
Recent War Room Winners
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WAR Room Testimonials
WAR King Paula S. July 22, 2021, 9:43 a.m.
Got into QCOM at $5.90 and out this AM at $7.00 for an nice winner. Thank you Bryan!
WAR King Tad July 22, 2021, 10:56 a.m.
I opened ABBV at $3.90 and closed for $4.50 for a 15.4% gain. THX BB!

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