6 Short Squeeze Candidates That Could Go to the Moon

July 18, 2021
Life Is Unpredictable —
Trophy Trades Are Not
Look, the stock market can be unpredictable…

That's why traders need a strategy that will net them consistent returns year after year — no matter what life throws their way.

That's where Trophy Trades can help. This stress-free trading strategy allows everyday investors to capture more gains when a stock rallies without leaving large profits on the table.

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Bank Earnings Aren't Sexy, but
Selling Premium Is
My favorite season is finally here — earnings season!
And this round of reporting could be more important for the market than any other we've seen in the past year.
It's important because not only will we really get to see how the pandemic recovery is shaping up and just how much analysts have been sandbagging earnings in the past few quarters...
But because markets are at record highs, big tech is at record highs — they ran Amazon and Apple to all-time highs...
And mega traders don't let names like these gap up on earnings...
So instead, they're looking for a move in other corners of the market they can take all the way to the bank...
Here's My Gameplan
6 Short Squeeze Candidates That Could Be the Next Explosive Moonshot
Short squeeze stocks like GameStop and AMC have taken center stage ever since retail traders on the WallStreetBets subreddit banded together to send these names to the moon.  

I haven't talked about short interest in awhile, but there are still some great opportunities out there…

So I figured it would be a good time to talk about the best short squeeze stocks to watch out for right now... And there are six of them, folks, which means you should grab your best note-taking pen and get comfortable.
Take These to the Moon
The Most Reliable Trading Strategy
in 2021
Imagine a trading strategy so powerful that, when applied accurately, it could give investors the chance to trade with near-perfect accuracy.

Sounds impossible, right?

It's not. And for a limited time, traders can learn the strategy that 10-time trading champion Chuck Hughes used to profit from 97% of the positions he took over the past two years.

Don't pass up on this opportunity to learn Chuck's trading secret.
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Jamshed A.
A Day Trader often closes all trades before the end of the trading day, so not to hold open positions overnight. A day trader is more concerned with price action characteristics of a stock itself. Volume, liquidity, price volatility, and average daily range are critical to a day trader.

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