These Funds Can Help to Combat Rampant Inflation

Published: June 20, 2021

Only Trade During Wall Street's Weakest Hour

One former hedge fund trader pulled back the curtain on a new trading method that only requires traders to participate in the market right before it closes. 

From the time the market opens until about 3 p.m. EDT, Wall Street has the upper hand. But once 3 p.m. around, the big funds on Wall Street start bleeding cash… which sends certain stocks crashing lower. 

Take advantage of these cash bleeds during Wall Street's weakest hour, and one could make huge returns the next morning when the market opens up again.

Learn This Revolutionary New Trading Trick

Roger Scott: Why These Must-See Market Internals Are Important — and
How I Use Them

Most traders and investors don't realize that the U.S. stock market is capitalization-weighted. 

That means names with bigger market caps carry greater percentage weights in the index, and vice versa for stocks with smaller market caps. 

So despite the fact that the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 are home to 500 and 100 stocks, respectively, the bigger a stock is, the more voting power or control it has over the broader market. 

That's why it's important for us to watch both market internals and externals....

How to Use Them

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Jeff Zananiri: 3
Commodity Funds to Combat Rampant Inflation

Riddle me this, Batman: Why does it seem like everyone in the financial market keeps talking about commodity ETFs?

That's easy: inflation.

With inflationary pressure at all-time highs right now, commodities are some of the best trades to jump on.

And these three funds we'll discuss are investors' best bet in surviving the tidal wave of inflationheading our way…

Get the Funds Here

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Is It Time to Move Back Into Solar Energy and EV Stocks?

June 16, 2021

Members of my VIP Trade Room have been asking me over the past few sessions or so if it's time for us to move back into solar energy and EV stocks.   

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How to Play This
Pairs Trade for a
Triple-Digit Gain

June 14, 2021

Those who know me know that pairs trading is my love language — it's how smart investors make money off the stock market no matter if it's up or down.

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