The Sector and Stocks to Inflation-Proof Your Portfolio

DeMarco - Market Wealth

Published: June 10, 2021

This New Trick Makes Trading Seamless

Thanks to legendary trader Tom Busby finally breaking his silence, everyone now has the chance to grab winning trades and three-day weekends — every week! 

Tom discovered a way to tune out all of the noise in the stock market…

We're talking about gains like 90% on RIOT… 147% on FCX… and even 232% on ORCL. 

It's a little "Tuesday morning tip" that tells him exactly which trades Wall Street could be pushing higher. 

So in other words, it's all of the stocks that could explode within the next 96 hours!

Click Here to See How

Roger Scott: The Sector and Stocks to Inflation-Proof Your Portfolio

Do you guys remember me telling you during the first U.S. presidential debate that the Russell 2000 was going to rally? And about six months ago that tech, basic materials and industrial stocks like FCX would rally? 

Well, boy was I right!

But if you've been paying any attention to my videos lately, then you know there's a lot of inflation fear right now. 

And when there are fears of rising interest rates, it impacts tech stocks most because they tend to give us the biggest risk vs. reward ratio in terms of stocks against bonds, which have a fixed return rate. 

So that's why I want to show my readers the best way to trade inflation in 2021 so we can take stock of what's happening and plan our next move ahead.

Stay Ahead of the Game

*clicking these links will automatically subscribe you to Roger Scott emails

Jeff Zananiri: Don't
Waste Time on Meme Stocks. This Index Is Screaming 'Action'

For investors who are scratching their heads at the latest AMC meme stock frenzy… I can relate. All I want to do is analyze a list of the best performing Russell 2000 stocks in 2021, zero in on the trades I'll profit from most and move on to the next… 

Most new traders don't have the wherewithal to divulge in another meme stock — I just don't have the time — so now is the best time to take advantage of other investment opportunities while Wall Street is focused on the next AMC short squeeze.   

There's an old saying in the stock market: Don't wait for the action, go to the action.

But in order to get to the action, you have to figure out what's moving the market and what other investors are looking at.

That's What We're Doing

*clicking these links will automatically subscribe you to Joy of the Trade emails

The Best Transportation Stocks to Invest
in for Big Gains 

June 6, 2021

I've handpicked some of the best transportation stocks to invest in to help my readers get in on this trend ahead of the crowd.     

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2 Things Every
Trader Must Know
in Today's Market

June 7, 2021

If you've been following Tenneco Inc. like us, for example, it's hot! So in this video we thought it'd be beneficial to show you our trading process. 

Continue Reading

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