An Announcement 21 Years in the Making

A funny story popped into my head as I sat down to write you this note... It ties into a viral video about me and two colleagues that's going around the internet right now (currently seen by over 3 million people).

An Announcement
21 Years in the Making

A funny story popped into my head as I sat down to write you this note...

It ties into a viral video about me and two colleagues that's going around the internet right now (currently seen by over 3 million people).

You don't know me... but while getting my Masters in Finance in my early 20s, I took as a job as an international stockbroker. I've also been the vice president of a mutual fund and managed a hedge fund... but more on that later.

Helping people buy and sell stocks was one of my first jobs right out of college. It was the 90s and stocks were hot. In fact, it was a lot like things are today.

At the time, it seemed like all my clients were reading some pretty terrible investing articles. 

They clung to them like the Bible. And I could never figure out why...

Because the "Gurus" writing these articles clearly had zero passion for their readers.

They were putting their own interests ahead of their readers and engaging in all sorts of backdoor deals with companies whose stocks they already owned and were writing about. 

One night, I went over to my then-girlfriend-now-wife's apartment complex.

And right there on her pool deck I laid out all the research from the popular financial analysts of the day... one by one... and declared that not only did I want to do this... but I could do it way better than any of these guys.

She was skeptical, but she believed in me and supported my dream, no matter how crazy it seemed. (That's still a common theme in our marriage, by the way! Like when I told her I wanted to get a second degree, this time in Guitar... or when I wanted to start a paddle surfing magazine... or go to China and film a documentary... )

From that day on, I set out to build the world's biggest and best independent financial research firm in the world.

I was obsessed with a single idea: That if I worked FOR my readers, and always put their best interests first, I'd find success as a result.

That's why when my colleagues at Stansberry Research asked me to tell you about my newest research, I smiled.

You see, I was once laughed out of the room for wanting to help people they way I do in my newest project.

Now I'm sought out for it!

My idea was clearly right...

Today, over 750,000 in 150 countries people follow my research.

Anyway, I know this isn't your typical email teasing all the money-making secrets I can tell you... listing all the big gains I've had in my career... or leaking a free stock recommendation. (Though if that's all you want, you can find that here.)

The funny thing is, I'd wager the lesson you'll learn from my newest project could have a bigger impact on your family's wealth than any of those things ever could.

This is the research I dreamed of producing over 20 years ago...

My video's free to watch right on this page here.

Good investing,

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud, PhD
Founding Partner, Stansberry Research
Delivering World-Class Financial Research Since 1999


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