18 Stocks Primed for a Short Squeeze

Published: June 11, 2021

Is This the Easiest
Trade on Earth?!

What if everyday traders never had to stare at a stock chart again?

So they could just place a simple trade on Tuesday morning… walk away…

And come back Friday to cash out.

That means instead of refreshing news headlines over the weekend or stressing about how the markets will open on Monday…

They're off for a quick three-day vacation to the beach, a national park or maybe just relaxing!

Spend the Long Weekend in Style

Roger's Radar: 2 Stocks to Play an Overbought Market as Inflation Picks Up

All eyes were on May's Consumer Price Index report Thursday morning as prices rose more than expected. The economy and the Federal Reserve are caught in a balancing act between growing too fast and too slow. The CPI is one of the biggest factors of inflationary pressure. 

The bond market has been climbing higher and taking technology and small-cap stocks with it. The put/call ratio and momentum levels show that stocks are overbought. Because of this combination, I don't expect much upside in the S&P 500 in the near term. The Russell 2000, however, has been trading sideways for most of 2021. An extended sideways move raises the probability that stocks will take on a directional bias. 

Considering the overly bullish sentiment and current momentum levels, I have identified two stocks that are vulnerable to trade lower. If you're long these stocks, you can exit the positions. If you're looking for a bearish trade, you can buy put options or short the stocks. 

In this video, you'll discover why the small caps are rising… whether the bond market will continue to trade higher… whether the put/call ratio is increasing or decreasing… and which two stocks are cooling off and ready to fade.

Get the 2 Weak Stocks

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Jeff Zananiri: 18 Stocks Primed for a Short Squeeze

Wall Street may not look like it's doing a whole lot right now... But if you start peeling back the layers, you'll see this massive game being played with shorting stocks.

And if we can figure out which stocks investors want to squeeze next, there are a ton of profitable opportunities to take advantage of. 

And my Bloomberg terminal just picked up 18 stocks with the most potential for a short squeeze.

See the Names Here

*clicking these links will automatically subscribe you to Joy of the Trade emails

The Sector and Stocks to Inflation-Proof
Your Portfolio

June 7, 2021

I want to show my readers the best way to trade inflation in 2021 so we can take stock of what's happening and plan our next move ahead.     

Continue Reading

Don't Waste Time
on Meme Stocks.
This Index Is
Screaming 'Action'

June 4, 2021

There's an old saying in the stock market: Don't wait for the action, go to the action. But in order to get to the action, you have to figure out what's moving the market and what other investors are looking at. 

Continue Reading

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