Zooming into Tuesday

Zoom had a good day yesterday.

Shares of the video conferencing company shot up over nine percent, closing over $400 after a positive earnings call.

The company debuted less than two years ago at a price per share of just $62.
Recently, Rob Booker got to sit down with Markay Latimer to record a special conversation.

They chatted about Markay's origins, and about the successes and failures she had along the way.

Most importantly, they talked about the traits they find most important to make a successful trader.

Watch the discussion here
The Future of Energy
It's easily stored, non-toxic, and far cleaner than fossil fuels. This miracle energy source? Hydrogen. Top Market Analysts Dr. Gregor Bauer and Garrett Baldwin reveal what they believe are the best ways to invest in their new report, "7 Hydrogen Stocks to Watch in 2021" (automatically opts you in - privacy policy).
It's your gift when you sign up for Haven Investment Letter. This FREE daily email gives you both a European and US perspective... all to help you get ahead in the investing game. CLICK HERE to sign up now and get immediate access to your free report! (automatically opts you in - privacy policy)
The Problem with GameStop
Moves like what's happened with GameStop are fascinating, of course.

Traders become fixated on finding massive moves like that.

The problem is, traders get TOO focused on it and forget about something much more important.

Rob shares his thoughts here
Looking back over two decades spent as a high-performance tennis coach, in hindsight it was easy to predict the ones who would become superstars.

All was revealed in their answer to a simple question.

"What do you want to do with your tennis?"

The eventual superstars answered quickly and easily.

"I want to turn pro."

The interesting thing is that the kids who responded that way had no right to think such a thing.

They weren't one of the best players in the country.

They didn't have perfect strokes.

They didn't have unlimited money or the backing of the USTA (United States Tennis Association).

They just had an idea, a "vision" (self-help books love to use the word vision).
And eventually the kids who answered this way ended up on the pro tour or had amazing careers.

On the other hand, the ones that said, "I don't know" or "I just want to get better" never reached their potential. They did okay but not anything like the others.

Were they worse prospects?


They just weren't interested.

And no amount of great coaching or superior athletic potential can overcome not being interested.

Because when the going gets tough, they'll quit.

Or when the going gets good, they'll be satisfied and bail out early.

No matter what occurs, the ceiling is set and it won't be violated.

It's the same for trading.

If a Monster Win isn't our goal, then we won't get Monster Wins.

We'll stop trading as soon as we lose or we'll sell out at the first sign of a little profit.

We can't get 100% if we're satisfied with 10%.

We'll never get to the finish line.

The truth is: Monster Wins come from the initial desire to get Monster Wins.

It's not the system or the trading execution.

If we want Big Profits, we have to want them in the first place.

Leveraged trading in foreign currency or off-exchange products on margin carries significant risk and may not be suitable for all investors. We advise you to carefully consider whether trading is appropriate for you based on your personal circumstances. You may lose more than you invest. We recommend that you seek independent advice and ensure you fully understand the risks involved before trading. The information on this website is intended as educational in nature and we do not recommend that you buy or sell any specific financial instrument.
Daily Profit Publishing , 1800 Hughes Landing Blvd. Ste. 200, The Woodlands, TX 77380, United States

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