Wall Street roars back!

Hot dog!

Rumors of the stock market's demise were greatly exaggerated, as all three major indexes were up significantly on Monday, each climbing close to two percent or more!

The positive vibes came as a reaction to the stabilization of the bond market and positive vaccine news, including the emergency use approval over the weekend of Johnson & Johnson's one-shot COVID-19 vaccine.

Wall Street has seemed uncertain in recent weeks, but this is the most decisive movement yet. Is it a sign of good things to come?
Rob Booker and Markay Latimer recently sat down for an important interview.

Rob asked Markay about her trading story, and what she believes it takes for traders to be successful.

Few traders can expect to have a story quite like Markay's, but far too many traders give up before giving themselves an honest shot.

Watch this interview to learn about the biggest mistakes traders make and what characteristics make successful traders.

Catch it here

The Secret of Hidden Breakouts
In just a few hours, 40-year trading veteran Tom Busby is going LIVE with a FREE Workshop.

He'll be sharing one of his favorite trading setups and discussing what it takes to find these Hidden Breakouts.

Spaces are limited, so don't hesitate:

Register here to join Tom tonight

One Word: Hydrogen
Dr. Bauer and his US colleague, Garrett Baldwin, believe Hydrogen to be one of the most profitable investments you can make this year. See why in their free new report, "7 Hydrogen Stocks to Watch in 2021". But don't delay, interest is picking up steam! Go RIGHT HERE (automatically opts you in - privacy policy) to have it sent directly to your inbox.
You'll also get their free daily email, Haven Investment Letter (automatically opts you in - privacy policy), where they use a global perspective to uncover the top stocks and trends you need to know... before the mainstream catches on.
Happy March 1st everybody!

How many of you do Spring Cleaning this time of year?

I'd like to say there's never any need for Spring Cleaning in my house, because we always keep things so clean...

But that'd be a lie. We should probably take Spring Cleaning more seriously than we do!

And the same can be said about traders.

Now, you may think: "what kind of Spring Cleaning can a trader even do?"

And the answer is, well, kind of a lot.

The biggest thing you can do for your own trading is to clean up your strategies and simplify your overall approach.

Most traders, I would say the vast majority of traders, are trying to do too much too fast.

They either have a strategy that is too complex to be useful, or they don't really have a strategy at all and are just hoping for that one massive win.

Those are two of the common mistakes traders make.

"Spring Cleaning" can be an opportunity for you to clean up and reevaluate your strategies.

It can also be an opportunity for you to close out trades you've been holding onto for too long hoping for a big move. Especially losers!

Think about how you can simplify your trading this week. I promise you'll thank me for it!
Leveraged trading in foreign currency or off-exchange products on margin carries significant risk and may not be suitable for all investors. We advise you to carefully consider whether trading is appropriate for you based on your personal circumstances. You may lose more than you invest. We recommend that you seek independent advice and ensure you fully understand the risks involved before trading. The information on this website is intended as educational in nature and we do not recommend that you buy or sell any specific financial instrument.
Daily Profit Publishing , 1800 Hughes Landing Blvd. Ste. 200, The Woodlands, TX 77380, United States

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