UBER-Approved! New Robotic Buy Before 2024

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Editor’s Note: He predicted the rise of Netflix and other tech giants. Now, Paul has found the next potential Big Tech winner. And it could be like buying Microsoft, Intel or Amazon before they made investors rich … here’s how.

UBER-Approved! New Robotic Buy Before 2024

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By Amber Lancaster

Dear Bold Investor,

The robots are coming! And they’re bringing you food… 😊

Take a look at Uber Technologies — a Profits Unlimited pick for the future of transportation up 149% in one year — rolling out its latest venture:

(Click here to view a larger image.)

Introducing … contactless robotic food delivery to your doorstep.

Robots are smart artificial intelligence (AI) machines that are swiftly becoming a new standard in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

From businesses to homes, you do not want to miss out on investing in robotic technology.

Today, I’m sharing my best buy recommendation for the next rise of the robots. And how Uber is helping to blaze its trail.

This new robotic online food delivery movement is projected to grow a segment of the robotics market by an amazing 613% by 2030!

But one boost could make this a big gainer for you in just the next few years!

Order Your Food, Then Invest in the Robot Rise!

Over the past year, the general online food delivery market size has grown leaps and bounds. 

Per Statista data, in 2020, the global online food delivery market jumped 27% year over year, reaching $136 billion in revenue. This is an 89% jump over revenues just three years prior.

By 2024, this global market is projected to reach a massive $182.3 billion in revenue.

(Click here to view a larger image.)

In the U.S. alone, revenue is projected to reach $32.3 billion in 2024, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.3%.

(Click here to view a larger image.)

Now, with robots like Uber’s, the online food delivery market could surge even higher.

Technology companies are inventing new ways to help restaurants deliver food quickly and efficiently. Automated delivery robots will make it happen.

Uber’s new delivery tech startup is called Serve Robotics.

26X Bigger Than the Coronavirus Stimulus Bill

Federal Order 841 is about to “reset” America for good. It will fundamentally change the way we power our lives. In the process, it’s creating a new $51 trillion industry. (That’s trillion with a “t.”) We’re on the cusp of a new American boom like never seen before. And I don’t mean one-time checks. I’m talking MILLIONS for those who get in on the ground floor. Click here for the full story.

Serve Robotics is a spinoff of Uber’s Postmates — an on-demand food delivery service. It will take food delivery to the next level.

Its goal is to apply the power of autonomous robotics technology to cities.

The startup’s robots will bring food, groceries, household and personal care items to Uber’s customers without human interaction.

Co-founder and CEO of Serve Robotics Dr. Ali Kashani projects that:

“… over the next five years delivery robots will become the first commercial application of self-driving at scale. This is real.”

“While self-driving cars remove the driver, robotic delivery eliminates the car itself and makes deliveries sustainable and accessible to all.

Over the next two decades, new mobility robots will enter every aspect of our lives — first moving food, then everything else.”

Per Serve Robotics, approximately 50% of U.S. restaurant deliveries are within a 40-minute walk, offering a huge opening for faster, safer and cheaper robotic delivery services.

The best part is the startup has already proven that automated robotic delivery service works!

So far, they’ve served thousands of households in Los Angeles, California.

Using autonomous robotic tech to help deliver food and goods in city settings is just the beginning.

The last mile, which is the final leg of a package or food delivery item from transportation to your doorstep, is the next big step in robotic tech.

(Click here to view a larger image.)

According to Allied Market Research data, the global autonomous last-mile delivery market is expected to reach $84.7 billion by 2030. That’s growing at a 24.4% CAGR over the forecast period:

(Click here to view a larger image.)

RoBOTZ Opportunity for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The time of the robots is here and now!

Robotics with AI was one of our original Bold Profits mega trends. And it’s earning its place on our list.

You will not want to miss this opportunity in the market. Here’s what I recommend:

To play the robotic food delivery trend, buy shares in the Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF (Nasdaq: BOTZ).

BOTZ is an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that lets you invest in the companies that stand to benefit from increased adoption and utilization of robotics and AI.

It gives you exposure to a basket of stocks that you can profit from with the rise of the robots.

These mega trends are here to stay and are prime examples of our America 2.0 forecast.

Invest now and watch the gains roll in.

Amber Lancaster Signature

Amber Lancaster
Director of Investment Research, Banyan Hill Publishing

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