Stop looking for it

Hey everybody,

As you know, I'm fully focused on getting all of you better information in these emails week after week.

So on Monday and Thursday afternoons, expect to see a longer email from me filled with more of my thoughts on the markets, maybe a chart or two, or even occasionally a company I'm looking at potentially trading.

Now, I know we turned the calendar over this morning, but one thing from the last few months just won't seem to go away; 

GameStop, of course.

Whether we like it or not, people won't stop talking about it.

And I know the reason why…

Everybody knows the reason why:

It's because everybody wants to grab a piece of the action, right? If GameStop is going to climb into the $400s again, everybody wants to know when to hop on board and claim their winnings.

It's at times like these that we really need to take a step back and look at things from a different perspective.

So let me show you the chart for GameStop as I'm writing this about 12:00 noon central on Monday:

When have you ever in your life seen a trading chart like that?

Looking at that forces me to ask one pretty simple question: how the heck could you possibly expect to trade something like that?

That's a bunch of psychopathic, unpredictable, deranged trading. That's all that is.

And if you're sitting around waiting for your time to enter on something like that, you'll either be:
  1. Sitting around for an awful long time or
  2. Sunk before you've barely dipped a toe in the water

Moves like these are extremely volatile. That volatility can reward a select few, most of whom are more lucky than good. But it'll destroy a whole lot more people.

I think the reason I'm so fired up about this is because trading is hard enough to begin with.

There have been, I don't know the exact number but thousands upon thousands of new traders joining apps like Robinhood ov er the last year.

The vast majority of them have no clue what they're doing. But they hear about something like GameStop and they think "that can be just the get rich ticket I'm looking for."

A few days later, they're wondering why their trading account reads "$0." Or worse.

Real, successful trading requires a lot more patience and a lot more hard work.

And there are unique characteristics that typically define successful traders and make them stand out from the pack. Markay Latimer and I talked about it in a recent interview, if you're interested.

Most of all, successful trading requires commitment and effort, something that a lot of folks who get fixated on GameStop type movement forget about.

So my advice? Stop looking for it.

Stop waiting for that one massive spike that's going to make you all the money you've been dreaming about, because that spike will never come, and if it does, you'll never see it coming.

If you're not willing to do the hard work of trading, you're in the wrong line of work.

But if you are, and I believe in you, and 100% think that you are capable of great things — then you'll be patient, follow smart strategies, and do what it takes to be successful.

I hope you enjoyed this longer email and got a lot out of it. I look forward to writing more!

Love the heck outta you,

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