Should You Love or Fear Crypto Volatility?

The stock market rally finally suffered substantial losses Thursday as the 10-year Treasury yields continue to rise. So, do we find ourselves staring down the barrel of a broad stock market retreat or a sector rotation?

More Money, More Problems

March 1, 2021

The rise in crypto has stemmed from the fear of decentralized currencies…

Governments and central banks have been printing money…

Which causes fears of inflation and other economic consequences…

But it also has created a rise in stock market prices that we can all profit from.

The sector I see booming from this injection of money is a tech revolution no one is talking about.

A tech so powerful it could kill 5G in the early stages and take us to the next generation.

Self-driving cars, worldwide connectivity, the possibilities are endless.

Let me show you the tech and 4 stocks profiting from it.

Join me now

James West, CEO Midas Letter.
James West is a professional trader and a successful entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in the financial markets.

Should You Love or Fear Crypto Volatility?

Have you missed out on the massive profits bitcoin and ethereum owners have seen in recent times? Or have the crypto's made you sick to your stomach as the price swings violently from one direction to the other?

What we do know is governments and central banks globally are printing money to fight against the economic downturn which came along with the pandemic. As this happens, what is protecting your value or your wealth?

There are two lines of thoughts. You either have to invest in commodities and/or cryptocurrencies. One a lot more volatile than the other, and one would've made you a lot more wealth this year.

Watch the full Monday Morning Roundtable here for our analysis on the state of cryptos, commodities, and interest rates and how best to protect/grow your wealth.

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