My next stock pick is a game-changer

Hey there members, viewers, traders, and investors,

The COVID-19 global pandemic has made an impact that no one will soon forget.

Nowhere has the virus been more costly than in the U.S. Now with more than 502,000 American deaths.

There are vaccines being administered which the world hopes will bring back some normality.

Unfortunately, those vaccines aren't aiming at a stationary target. SARS-CoV-2 is an RNA virus that can mutate quickly.

Mutant strains and new variants will emerge immune to current vaccines.

The first step to combating the constantly changing viruses is to identify them quickly and accurately.

Now, there is a tiny stock that combines PCR testing's diagnostic power with ease of use and the speed of rapid tests.

They are unlike any other competitor.

Their testing can see results in minutes, test for more than 2 dozen strains at one time, and will stop the spread of new strains at the point of care.

The best news is that the stock is relatively unknown, so there is potentially a lot of upside for early investors.

I'm excited to share all my investment research with you now, so you too can get involved.

It is the latest pick on my Disruptor Digest... where I look for the next stocks that are changing the future.

Join me here where I outline more companies that will change life for the better and more stocks to profit from it.

James West


A Fortune Research Publication
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