Make Money Today From the Cars of Tomorrow

March 04, 2021
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Make Money Today From the Cars of Tomorrow

By Brian Christopher, Editor, Profit Line
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Dear Loyal Reader,

Tesla’s autopilot system has had one accident for every 2.91 million miles driven.

Let that sink in.

This may help: The average U.S. driver has one accident every 165,000 miles.

That means a normal driver has an accident 17 times more often than the autopilot-driven car.

Think of the possibilities here…

If you could buy a car that drives itself, you’d be less likely to die in an auto accident.

Too morbid?

Sorry, but it’s the truth.

How about this: If your car could drive itself, it could become an Uber or Lyft while you’re at work.

You could drive to work and park in the lot. After you go into the office, your car could drive around and take people where they need to go.

You’d be generating double income: your wages from work and your profits from ride-sharing.

I know it sounds crazy. At least, it was before this era of technology. But it isn’t today.

And if you work from home, your car could be an Uber all day and night.

That’s life in the 21st century … because we’re in a new age of mobility.

5 Years From Now, You’ll Wish You Picked up Shares of This MaaS Stock

A legendary tech expert whose readers saw average gains of 735% on Tesla in just 13 months is urging everyone to buy this red-hot MaaS stock now!

Find out details behind the No. 1 MaaS Stock.

Improvements Versus Near Perfection

The numbers show drivers are safer today than they were in the past.

But that’s not good enough.

Per a 2018 World Health Organization (WHO) report, 1.35 million people die on the road each year. That’s 3,700 people a day.

And the human population is growing.

And the WHO states road traffic crashes cause more than 50 million injuries a year. Crashes on the road are now the leading cause of death for people ages 5 to 29.

The U.S. Department of Transportation believes 94% of all serious motor vehicle crashes happened because the driver did something wrong.

Ninety-four percent!

Human drivers are fallible. They cause death. That’s what these numbers mean.

Before this age of technology, we didn’t have many choices. Today, we’re closer to living with cars that drive themselves.

They don’t suffer from human instincts. They don’t text and drive. They’re less fallible.

Save Yourself Some Money

But that’s not all. These cars can also pay you.

Autopilot cars will cut insurance rates. 

If you aren’t driving the car, the car is safer. That’s what the numbers say.

But you can’t enjoy these savings until there are self-driving cars on the road.

That’s progressing. It’s going to happen. But it’s not going to happen right now.

How to Profit From the Future

So, how do you make money today?

You buy the stocks of the companies that are developing tomorrow’s technology.

There are already self-driving cars on the road. Google’s electric vehicle subsidiary, Waymo, has already driven 20 million miles!

So, if you want to invest in autonomous vehicles, Alphabet Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOGL) is a solid way to do so. But Google does a lot of other things too.

There are more direct plays. Those are the ones that will make you the most money from our self-driving future.

My colleague Ian King has been on top of this story for a while now. He calls it “mobility as a service” (MaaS). These are the stocks that are writing the future of driving.

Ian’s an amazing investor. He spent years on Wall Street honing his abilities.

Then he left it a few years ago to help Main Street Americans prosper. And that’s exactly what he’s done.

Ian closed out one position in his Automatic Fortunes service for an average gain of 735%. (That’s not a typo. If you only take one thing away from this essay, let it be that.) And he just added a MaaS stock to the portfolio that could easily become another triple-digit winner.

So please, if you want to learn more about this space, listen to what Ian has to say. He will lead you in the right direction. Click here to learn more.

You don’t have anything to lose. He’s smart and he’s honest.

His smarts will make you money. His ethics will help you keep it.

Good Investing,

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Brian Christopher
Editor, Profit Line

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