Free Stock Report Enclosed [Open Now]

I saw that you had some interest in the recent presentation about Dr. Gregor Bauer. He has a free daily newsletter and we've added you to the list to receive it. Better yet, you'll get a free stock report as a new subscriber.
Free Stock Report Enclosed [Open Now]

Dear Reader,

I saw that you had some interest in the recent presentation about Dr. Gregor Bauer.

Well, here's the good news: He has a free daily newsletter – and we've added you to the list to receive it. Better yet, you'll get a free stock report as a new subscriber. (If you don't wish to receive it, simply go here and you'll be unsubscribed immediately.)

You'll also be hearing from me in Haven Investment Letter.

I'm Garrett Baldwin. I'm a Johns Hopkins trained economist and an active trader in the markets. And I've worked with the best financial minds in the country for more than 20 years.

Listen: Hands down, Dr. Bauer is the best of the best.

I've been following his work for a decade. And I'm so excited that I finally get to work with him.

In fact, I'm honored to join him on this project. I'll be lending a distinctly U.S. perspective on the markets to Dr. Bauer's insights.

It was this partnership that led us to create the Haven Investment Letter.

And it's our collective passion that led us to create one of the most Red-Hot investment reports you'll read in 2021.

I confess. I didn't come up with it. This idea started in Germany. And we're so lucky that it has reached our shores before the money started pumping into this trend.

This is one of the greatest opportunities to get in early on a trend with massive potential we've ever seen.

One word: Hydrogen

You may have heard hype about hydrogen being a game-changer in the past.

Hydrogen is No. 1 on the Periodic Table. But it's the No. 1 investment idea of 2021 for a reason.

It can be easily stored. It is non-toxic. And, it is a far cleaner energy source that fossil fuels.

Good luck finding a fuel that fits all three of these INCREDIBLY LUCRATIVE metrics.

Global interest in hydrogen as a real energy alternative has never been greater.

And here in America, we're moving fast from oil, coal and natural gas to cleaner energy like hydrogen.

In fact, I predict that we won't even mention "clean" or "carbon free" in five years. Hydrogen will be the REAL driver of our future economy.

Here are some indications that make us believe its time has truly and finally – come...

For one, it's fashionable green energy application:

  • In June of 2020, the German government announced it would invest 9 million Euros toward hydrogen as an eventual green energy replacement for coal. They have even loftier goals... such as decarbonizing industrial processes. You learn about some of the projects their funding in your free report.
  • In July, the European Commission announced a commitment to aid in the acceleration of hydrogen as a "important part of the solution to meet the 2050 climate neutrality goal of the European Green Deal."
  • In September 2020, Australia and Germany signed a joint feasibility study focused on renewable hydrogen as a clean energy source. And other countries such as Canada, France, Japan, Norway, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Chile, and Finland, are making plans to stimulate hydrogen production.
  • As President Biden's policies deter oil and gas production - and pipeline projects, concern about the fate of the existing 3 million miles of pipelines is beginning to plague their owners... hydrogen could be the answer.

Then there's its potential impact on the EV market... Just a few days ago, California's Karma Automotive announced a collaboration with Blue World Technologies in Denmark to look into a creating a hydrogen fuel-cell system using methanol. But Japan and China are far ahead of the curve with this, as you'll see in your free report.

And there's so much more to tell! Check out your free report RIGHT HERE.
We'll be revisiting hydrogen often in the Haven Investment Letter from Godesburg Financial Publishing. Just keep an eye on your inbox for tomorrow's email.
Garrett Baldwin

© 2021 Godesburg Financial Publishing, Inc.


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