Controversial Florida Trader Spills His Secrets

Start Off 2021Trading with the #1 Way to Profit
We've all heard of insider trading; it's unethical and indefensible and the punishment (jail) fits the crime.

Even dear, sweet Martha Stewart couldn't escape Uncle Sam's wrath when she was caught red handed – spending five months in a cro-bar motel followed by house arrest and another two years of probation.

But this doesn't stop corporate insiders from using their information-advantage like a weapon, bulking up their wealth, while everyone else is left scrambling to get in after their shares have catapulted the stock's value to new heights…

Despite having confidential information about what's happening behind the scenes... before any earnings reports, announcements made…

These corporate insiders are literally surging their own stock and doing it 100% legally

I don't know about you, but that doesn't sound fair.

How is it that you & I must watch from the sidelines as a stock soars, and these corporate insiders, ripe with confidential information - inaccessible to both you & me - eat up all the shares knowing precisely when the stock is near-guaranteed to skyrocket?

Well Lance Ippolitto does.

He used to be one of the "good ol' boys" on Wall Street.

Spent years learning how the big investment banks and hedge funds
amass their fortunes…

He knows all the tricks of the trade (pun intended)...

Including some that the Big Wigs on Wall St. don't want to become public.

Now he wants to pay it forward and share this wealth-building secret with you.

He's been dead set on helping everyday people become more financially
independent than they currently are.

So they can be one step closer to living the life of their dreams…

Just like he did.

You see, he left Wall Street years ago…

Tired of slaving away day in and day out, using his talent to make more wealth for those who already have plenty, he left the rat race behind and now trades for himself allowing him to live the life he always wanted.

He turned in his suit and tie for board shorts and a fishing rod.

he already had all their secrets…

He realized: if he could use his knack for trading for these fat cats he could do it for himself too.

He packed his bags and headed for the beach and didn't look back.

He took what he learned toiling away for the one-percenters and learned how to ride the waves he knows they're creating....

So what does he know about this dirty insider secret we've been discussing?

Well, to be exact, he knows where to look to find exactly what these insiders are doing…

Signaling him to what moves they're going to make, and when their stock is primed to soar, 48 hours before it all starts to happen

It's like he's reading tomorrow's headlines today.

He's been developing the perfect way to exploit this "secret sector" of the market…

And he's finally ready to reveal what he's found in a controversial presentation.

Because he's followed this money trail being left by these corporate insiders…

Leading him to this secret sector that he's now been able to exploit for some of the most consistent gains he's ever made.

In fact, he finished the first two months of 2021 with a 86.96% success rate!¹

Lance is now ready to share this special project with you.

But be warned: what you're about to see is controversial in nature and will disrupt the way you look at the stock market forever.

Watch this controversial presentation before it's taken down!

Early Bird Trades
¹ Disclaimer: The profits and performance shown are not typical and do not guarantee future trade results.

A MarketWealth Publication

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The information in this email is intended for informational purposes only and does not guarantee specific results as there is a high degree of risk involved with trading. Also, our traders are real traders and may have financial interests in the companies discussed.  Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.


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