1 Reader’s 5-Digit Profits on Our 4-Digit Gain!

Bold Profits Daily

Dear Loyal Reader,

I double blinked when I read the email … I read and reread the numbers to be sure.

One reader in Paul's Secret Portfolio made $70,365 on our BIGG Digital Assets Inc. (OTC: BBKCF) sell — a stock that landed us a 1,718% gain in one year and 10 months.

Raj made five digits in only 15 months.

See for yourself:

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Of course, he played it a bit different than how we recommended so he saw slightly different results.

And while not everyone will see the sort of gains Raj made, even if you bought a more modest amount of shares at a later time frame, you could have made a sizable profit, like Jim:

Click here if you are unable to see the image.

While four-digit gains like we made in BBKCF don't happen every day in Paul's Secret Portfolio, it comes as no surprise.

In fact, the main reason we recommended it in the five-play trade alert two years ago was for its catapulting potential.

And while not all of these trade recommendations went on to be winners, as we said in the trade itself, if even one of them rockets higher, it could more than make up for potential losses on the others.

That's exactly what BBKCF did — and the rally in this overlooked sector is still booming.

Every position in this area of the model portfolio is up. From the two stocks surging over 700% ranging from two years to 10 months to the third that's up 100% in three months.

And in the past year, that portfolio has had a 62% win rate — 18 wins and 29 trades in total!

You see, the very basis of Paul's Secret Portfolio is to position Main Street investors in front of stocks with catapulting potential in overlooked sectors of the market.

Ones that only the big money investors pay attention to and largely profit from.

We believe there are enough opportunities in the market for everyone to profit on.

That's why we're offering you the chance to join this research service without paying full price. More specifically, for you to save 50%!

All you have to do is click here.

But don't wait — this offer is extremely limited and time is closing in fast!

Click here if you are unable to see the image.

Kind regards,

Ian Dyer
Internal Analyst, Banyan Hill Publishing


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