Who’s Really Behind GameStop and WallStreetBets?

Create a Kingdom With Your 2021 Profit

Kingmakers have been around for thousands of years…

If you don't know who they are… They are just the most influential people in the world…

And right now, in the stock market, they consist of people like Warren Buffett, George Soros and Ray Dalio.

What do all of these men have in common (other than billions of dollars in net worth)?

They can single handedly send the share price of any given stock to the moon.

Trading expert Adam Sarhan seems to have figured out how to track the moves of these financial juggernauts…

And he wants to show you how you could take advantage of massive moves by the Kingmakers. 

Get the Details Here

Jeff Z

Jeff Zananiri spent over two decades on Wall Street learning how the best made consistent money in the market. 

The WallStreetBets' Silver Short Squeeze Separates the Bros From Pros

There's a bit of a fantasy going on that seems to be everyone's favorite topic: the showdown between Reddit and Wall Street. I don't buy it, and their new play is proof — WallStreetBets' silver short squeeze tells me that these are not your average Joes.

Now, I certainly don't mean to discredit their trading and what they've been able to do. They have good trades and they know how to use social media well.

This isn't a David and Goliath, "the people vs. the hedge funds" story though.

These guys know what they're doing, and that's evident from their silver play.

Take a Look

Moving On From the GameStop Short Squeeze

January 29, 2021

WealthPress Head Trader Roger Scott and I are sitting down to clear up what's really going on behind the GameStop news.

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Trade Recap: Is Workhorse a Good Investment?

January 31, 2021

I'd like to give you guys a recap of a trade in my Monthly Money Flows service and answer the question, "Is Workhorse a good investment?" 

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