Trade your way to true freedom in just 7 minutes a week

Freedom isn't as hard to find as you think.
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Do you feel free? Do you know what freedom feels like?

I do.

Freedom means not worrying about paying your bills. It's knowing you'll have enough money to do whatever you want, whenever you feel like it.

Freedom means doing things because you want to, not just because you're getting paid to do them.

Freedom is a state of mind.

Unfortunately, most people will never truly feel free, no matter how much money they have in their bank or brokerage accounts.

Because it's human nature to want more.

If you never feel like you have enough, it's hard to feel free.

Wanting more, never being satisfied that you have enough... it's the reason there are nearly 8 billion humans spread throughout every corner of the world today.

We wanted more so badly that we couldn't feel satisfied with ruling the earth, so we built rockets and went to the moon.

50 years later, men like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos created enormous fortunes to get back there (and beyond, if Musk gets his way). Bezos just stepped down at Amazon to focus on his rocket business. Musk talks about colonizing Mars all the time!

But wanting more isn't a great way to feel free.

You can trade stocks and options all day, every day, and never feel free.

You can be a millionaire and never feel free. You could be a billionaire and feel like you're trapped in a never-ending race for more.

It all comes down to how you look at your life.

Elon Musk is either the richest or second-richest person in the world right now.

Even when he was just a billionaire (and I do know how ridiculous it is to say anyone could ever be "just" a billionaire), Musk had all the means to feel free for the rest of his life... but he was miserable.

Remember his off-the-rails interview with the New York Times a couple years back?

He told the world that 2018 was "the most difficult and painful year" of his career. And that was one of the less concerning things Musk said in his interview.

He was worth almost $20 billion when he told us how unfree he really felt.

Imagine that.

I'll never be worth $20 billion. I'm not even all that close to being worth $1 billion... but I made my peace with that a long time ago.

And you know what?

I think I'm more free than Elon Musk will ever be.

At this point in my life, I largely get to do what I want, when I feel like it.

I think that's freedom.

Act Now!

Take this email, for example.

Do you think I'm actually writing these by myself?

I haven't written a salesy email in years, Trader. I have a team for that!

They set up the schedule, write all the words, and handle all the stuff on the back end whenever someone clicks through to subscribe to my options newsletters.

I trade options because I genuinely enjoy it. I made enough in the markets to outsource everything I don't feel like doing a long time ago.

So, let me (and my marketing team) level with you.

I'd love to give you all my best trade ideas for free... but if I did that, I wouldn't be able to pay my team to write emails, process payments, handle customer support, and all the other things that would distract me from finding the best trades for you every day.

Subscriptions allow me to pay my team, which gives me the freedom to focus on finding market-beating returns. This system has worked well for decades, and it's still working fabulously in 2021.

Over the past 12 months, Weekend Alert Trader subscribers have enjoyed nearly 3 times the gains they'd have gotten from an index fund.

And they've made out brilliantly with just one trade a week.

We've recommended 52 trades over the past 12 months. Those trades gave our subscribers annualized returns of 36%, compared to 13% for the S&P 500.

16 out of those 52 trades doubled, or better.

You can join us today with this special offer: lifetime access, for 86% less than you'd pay for one standard 12-month subscription to Weekend Alert Trader.

When you subscribe to Weekend Alert Trader, you're buying a commitment from me (the real Bernie, not the guy writing these emails) and everyone else at Schaeffer's Investment Research.

Your subscription fees allow all of us at Schaeffer's to focus on what we do best - find great trades, write great emails, pay (not-so-great) bills...

And let's be honest... most Weekend Alert Trader subscribers want more than just profitable trade ideas every week.

What you really want is freedom.

Maybe you'd rather spend your time pursuing hobbies instead of researching trades on your own and watching tickers every weekday.

Maybe you like the idea of trading options, but the day-to-day volatility stresses you out and gives you too many gray hairs.

Maybe you just feel like you've made too many mistakes, and you'd rather outsource the day-to-day trading stuff until you're ready to make your own moves again.

I get all of that. People join Weekend Alert Trader every day for these reasons.

After all, what good is having enough money to do whatever you want, if you wind up spending most of your time doing stuff that doesn't really excite you?

Trading options excites me, Trader. Writing emails, not so much.

We all want to outsource certain things so we can focus on our passions.

Subscribing to Weekend Alert Trader can help both of us focus on what we want, Trader.

I want to find great trades and not spend my time writing emails.

Maybe you want to spend more time with your family, or learn to fly planes, or take up watercolor painting, or learn how to paint model airplanes, or start painting in planes.

The point is, if you'd rather spend your time doing something other than trading options, and still make enough money to do what you want, Weekend Alert Trader can help you.

We'll send you our best trade idea every week, with detailed entry and exit objectives.

It usually takes subscribers no more than 7 minutes a week to follow our guidance and execute their trades.

There are 10,080 minutes in a week, Trader.

What do you want to do with the other 10,073?

Act Now!

Join Weekend Alert Trader.

Buy yourself some freedom, and make some more money, too.

You can buy freedom, just like you can buy happiness. Anyone who says otherwise has never had enough money to do either.

I bought my freedom a long time ago by trading options, Trader.

And once I did, I realized I could help the whole world do the same thing.

That's why I created Weekend Alert Trader.

It's why Schaeffer's Investment Research exists.

I didn't start this business because I needed money. I started this company to help people like you gain the same freedom I've taken for granted for so many years.

Without my team, I might not have the freedom to focus on trading options... and you wouldn't be able to buy the freedom to do what you really want.

Even if all you really want is to make more money from your options trades. We can help with that, too. We can help you for the rest of your life, if you join today.

Here's to your freedom, Trader, whatever it might mean to you.

Profitably yours,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

5151 Pfeiffer Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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