The Top 10 Things to Do in Retirement

You're done with the hard part…

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Editor's Note: Occasionally, an opportunity comes to our attention that we believe readers like you will find valuable. The message below from one of our partners is one we believe you should take a close look at.

Dear Reader,


You're done with the hard part…

You've spent your entire adult life going to work…

Caring for your family…

And saving for the day when you can finally enjoy the fruits of your labor.

We're talking about retirement.

It sure has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

Though, you may not be quite ready to retire yet, you probably find yourself thinking about it more and more.

But what are you going to do once you retire?

According to, here are the top 10 things you should consider before taking the leap into retirement.

  1. Get a job
  2. Volunteer
  3. Take up a sport
  4. Get a hobby
  5. Start a business
  6. Travel
  7. Take a gap year
  8. Camping
  9. Go south for the winter
  10. Make friends whose ages are different from yours

Once you've decided what you want to do with all that free time you're going to have, the next question is: Can I really afford my retirement?

That's where master trader Jeff Clark comes in.

Jeff has been helping everyday folks plan for their retirement for the past 36 years.

He became so good at it he, himself, retired at age 42.

He did it by trading just 3 stocks over and over again.

He calls it the 3-Stock Retirement Blueprint.

It takes minimal effort, just 5 minutes a day, and no advanced knowledge is needed.

He'll show you exactly how it works.

He'll show you his track record.

And he'll even give you the names and tickers of the 3 stocks to get you started.

It's really that simple.

So, if you have been thinking more and more about retirement, check out the 3-Stock Retirement Blueprint that changed Jeff's life.

Click here.


Mike Merson

Managing Editor, Jeff Clark Research



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The information provided is for educational purposes only. Please contact your financial advisor for specific financial advice tailored to your personal circumstances. Actual results may differ. Nothing here constitutes a recommendation respecting the particular security illustrated.



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