How to Protect Your Investments in Volatile GameStop Market

Who really needs meme stocks like GameStop Corp. (NYSE: GME) and AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc (NYSE: AMC), when the overall U.S. market keeps on flying high? The good ol' trusted S&P 500 (INDEXSP: .INX) closed at another record high after four consecutive green days this week.

Buy Low & Sell High!!!

February 5, 2021

The problem with the GameStop saga is this

By the time the average investor was able to get in, most of the profits were already taken.

Chasing stocks that have already gained 100's of percent is not my M.O.

I like to find stocks that no one is talking about... so when they do explode in value, I'm the early investor that reaps the rewards.

Accordingly, I have uncovered what I believe is the next big trend in markets.

new tech that Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Google have already invested massively in...

Let me explain what they have already spotted.

Watch the presentation here

James West, CEO Midas Letter.
James West is a professional trader and a successful entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in the financial markets.

How to Protect Your Investments in Volatile GameStop Market

Who really needs meme stocks like GameStop Corp. (NYSE: GME) and AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc (NYSE: AMC), when the overall U.S. market keeps on flying high? The good ol' trusted S&P 500 (INDEXSP: .INX) closed at another record high after four consecutive green days this week.

The GameStop saga has shown newbie or renegade investors a thing or two, however: The efficiency of a market. News outlets said the stock market is broken on the backs of hedge funds losing billions in the GameStop stock run-up. But, the fact is the stock market will eventually spotlight any unbalances, misallocation of capital, and misguided investors. The market is the ultimate crucible of truth, no matter the corruption and collusion, simply due to the forces of supply/demand.

So, how does this help the FOMO traders who chased the meme stocks explosion, only to now be holding the bag?

Watch the full interview for trading strategies and golden rules to determine when to trade a price break-out or break-down here.

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