Why the heck do stocks keep going up? (The answer inside)

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Below you'll find a guest article from Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist of The Oxford Club. Alex is famous for calling the exact bottom of the 2009 markets, writing that while 2009 would be a terrible year for the economy, it would be a great year for stocks. Now he's back with a similar message.

- Mable Buchanan, Assistant Managing Editor

Is the stock market operating in an alternative universe?

That's the question I keep hearing from friends, family and readers.

They are rightly shaking their heads and wondering how stocks are moving up dramatically when there is so much bad news out there.

Tens of millions without jobs... earnings sinking through the floor... civil unrest... huge amounts of government debt.

So why are stocks headed up?

It pays to remember that the stock market is a leading indicator of what's coming in the future.

And while the bad times are already well documented, the smart money clearly expects better times ahead. (Find out details on the three stocks set to lead the recovery here.)

It's easy to see why...

Author and Singularity University Chairman Peter Diamandis estimates that between 100 million and 200 million scientists, technologists, engineers and healthcare workers have taken aim at this pandemic.

They are running tens of thousands of experiments and sharing information with a transparency and speed we've never seen before.

Never before have so many researchers in so many countries focused simultaneously on solving a problem... and with such urgency.

At the same time, cases and deaths from the coronavirus have reversed direction. It doesn't appear to be as deadly as the experts first foretold... and economies are now reopening across the globe.

In short, it's time to plan for the future.

And that means identifying the stocks that will win biggest as the economy recovers.

To help you with that, I've put together a new video from my home office.

In it, I detail what I believe is next for the markets, including the three stocks I am certain will be the big winners moving forward.

When the markets react to good news, it happens very fast.

You don't want to get left behind.

So click my video below to get details on the top three stocks of the coronavirus recovery.


Good investing,

Alexander Green
Chief Investment Strategist, The Oxford Club

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