“54% of Americans” Believe This… Do You? [Prosperity Digest]

The Best Strategies To Lock On Profits Like A Pro Trader

Hey Trader,

Have you ever wished you could make time slow down? 

Well, I’ve actually discovered a way to do it. 

Let me back up… 

See, about 10 years ago, my wife and I took up CrossFit. 

You’ve probably heard of it… 

But if you haven’t, it’s basically a physical fitness regimen that incorporates different training methods, including high-intensity interval training. 

Now, if you’ve ever done high-intensity intervals… or any kind of intense conditioning training for that matter… you know it can get grueling. 

And when you’re doing, say, 10 burpees and 10 squats every minute on the minute for 40+ minutes straight…  

It just downright sucks. 

Well, the other morning we were doing our workout in the garage, and it was one of these high-intensity days… 

And by the fifth round, I started thinking about just how long 30 seconds can feel like when you’re suffering through an intense workout like that. 

It seems like an eternity!

Of course, logically we know that 30 seconds is the same no matter if we’re struggling through a workout… or mindlessly watching TV. 

Ultimately, it comes down to our perception of time… and in moments where we’re under intense stress, we’re hyper-focused on how much longer it will last. 

But as I reflected on it a little bit more, I started wondering… 

What if there’s a bigger reason why time seems to stand still in moments of extreme stress and discomfort?

… Like, maybe the universe is telling you, “Hey, something important is happening here… so pay attention!”

There’s actually a popular phrase I really like that speaks directly to this. 

It goes like this: “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.” 

Now, as humans, we naturally seek to increase comfort and decrease pain whenever possible. 

But the power of that statement lies in the fact that it’s the times that we’re most uncomfortable…  

And we’re pushed past the limits we place on ourselves in our minds… 

Those are the times that we truly learn and grow. 

So the next time life throws something at you that just rocks your world… 

And time seems to stand still while you wonder how much longer it will last… 

Ask yourself: “What is it that I’m meant to learn from this experience?”

Now, I want to hear from you… 

Have you experienced something painful or uncomfortable that, in hindsight, taught you something really valuable?

Hit “reply” and tell me about it!

Talk soon, 


[Video] MASSIVE Upside Potential On This Energy Stock…

A few weeks ago, members had the chance to cash in on a little-known oil stock after Ross Givens spotted heavy buying by the company’s top brass. 

In fact, one of our subscribers closed down $10k on that trade alone. 

Well, Ross is ringing the bell again on yet another energy company that insiders are absolutely PILING into: 

These insane investments mean only one thing… 

The people who know the company better than anyone expect very big things from this stock in the coming days and weeks… 

And right now, this stock that was $20 less than 2 years ago can be had for a buck. 

Now, it’s true that oil is a volatile sector right now… 

But Ross is breaking down exactly why he believes this stock should be on your buy list in his latest video blog… 

Along with the massive upside potential that investors may see in very short order. 

Click right here to view the video now and learn all the details about this explosive opportunity!

“54% of Americans” Believe This… Do You?
“54% of Americans Think the Worst Is Yet to Come for the Stock Market”.

That’s a headline that appeared in a popular financial publication a few days ago. 

But here’s the thing… 

None of us can control the economy… or its impact on financial markets. 

And the truth? 

Sitting around worrying about whether it will go up or down isn’t getting you any closer to your trading goals. 

But here’s the good news… 

When you have the right tools and a sound trading strategy in place… 

It really doesn’t matter which way the market goes…  

… because you’ll be able to see it coming and act accordingly. 

Now if you’d like to see how Hawkeye has enabled traders around the world to continue to profit through the coronavirus selloff and the subsequent rally… 

Then tap right here to view a free training video!

Yours for massive trading success, 

Dustin Pass
CEO, Market Traders Daily.

Market Traders Daily
Director of Client Services

Disclaimer: Futures, forex, stock, and options trading are not appropriate for all traders. There is a substantial risk of loss associated with trading these markets. Losses can and will occur. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can ensure returns or against losses. No representation or implication is being made that using any of these methodologies or systems will generate returns or ensure against losses.

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