Energy Crisis Creates a Buyable Dip for This Week’s Watchlist

The stock market rally finally suffered substantial losses Thursday as the 10-year Treasury yields continue to rise. So, do we find ourselves staring down the barrel of a broad stock market retreat or a sector rotation?

Energy Crisis Creates a Buyable Dip for This Week's Watchlist

October 12, 2021

Earnings season kicks off in earnest Wednesday as JP Morgan reports before the bell, which puts it on our watchlist this week.

Financials in general should have had a good third quarter, but they'll have an even better fourth as interest rates rise alongside commodity inflation that is still ripping.

To that point, it's the Global Energy Crisis — that's right, we added another capital letter — that remains the big attention grabber across financial media headlines.

Shoot, even the boring ol' dirty coal market is commanding front page news!

What Else Made the List?

Tired of Missing Huge Stock Jumps?

Every trader has most likely found themselves saying, "I wish I'd gotten in on that stock earlier…"

Well, today might just be the day we can retire that phrase.

Legendary trader and Forbes contributor Adam Sarhan has developed a system that alerts him to stocks getting ready to experience huge jumps in their share prices.

Invest in these companies before their shares soar… and huge gains are sure to follow.

And there's never been a better time to catch these huge windfalls.

See How It's Done Here

Oil Rips, Market Dips as Energy Crisis Looms. How Will Markets React?

October 11, 2021

Expect the bears to be out in full force this week as the Energy Crisis — yes, we're using capital letters now — plays out in earnest.

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