Spotlight on the Week Ahead: Retail, Real Estate and Earnings

After traders saw markets sink last Friday, let's look at the days ahead for any signs that a market reversal could be in our near future...

Your Dreams May Have Just Come True!


Have you been dreaming of getting into the markets but are hesitant to take that first step? If so, we may have just the solution you've been looking for...

Market pro Jack Carter recently created an investment program he calls "Profit Cycle Alerts" which has allowed him to consistently pick high-probability stocks every week and he wants you to get in on the action.

Listen in on Jack's latest FREE TRADING WORKSHOP to discover how this former hedge fund manager is able to harness an incredible market force to consistently pick high-probability stocks every week and how you could learn to do the same!

Spotlight on the Week Ahead: Retail, Real Estate and Earnings


As the markets came to a close this past Friday, many traders were shocked to see that the run of good luck they had been taking advantage of in the days prior had come to an end. By the end of the trading day, the DOW, NASDAQ and S&P were all in the red, proving once again that a good thing does not last forever.

As we enter into yet another trading week, many traders continue to have their fingers crossed that the coming days will provide the much-needed boost they and their investments will need to help dig them out of the financial hole they currently find themselves in.

With that in mind, let's look at the days ahead and see if there are any tell-tale signs that might lead us to believe the markets could turn around…

How to "Buy" A Stock or Commodity Below Its Market Price


Understandably enough, buying a stock, or anything traded for that matter, below the price at which it is trading is the dream of just about every trader and investor.

Imagine buying something, knowing that you are already making a profit and that you can set a stop loss that makes your worst possible result break even, or even a small profit on the trade overall.

The thing is, if you understand a strategy that is pretty common in dealing rooms around the world and are prepared to take on a bit of risk for the opportunity to do it, owning a stock, or ETF, or futures contract, or just about any other traded instrument below its market price when you buy it is actually quite simple...

Recent Articles


FED Chair Jerome Powell didn't do the markets any favors this week when he announced Wednesday that the FED would be adding two rate hikes to its 2023 forecast and increasing its inflation projection for the year.

As a direct result of these comments, the markets began to slide… Falling Friday and causing the DOW to have one of its worst weeks since January of this year...

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It's been quite a week in the Biden administration as the president continues his European tour. During his time abroad, Biden has taken the opportunity to visit with many foreign leaders and dignitaries on behalf of the United States.

None of these meetings, however, has been as highly anticipated as the president's most recent meeting in Geneva with one of his biggest rivals, Russian President, Vladimir Putin.

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