2 Ways to Predict This Week’s Inflation Stock Movement

Is your money at stake??

Published: June 21, 2021

Learn How to Trade Like a Wall Street Insider

Ever wonder why Wall Street always seems to be one step ahead of the average Joe trader?

It's because the big firms have a ton of top-secret trading strategies that give them an edge over everyone else!

And while their methods are usually kept under lock and key… I'm pulling back the curtain on Wall Street's best kept market strategy.

I'm ready to reveal how tracking what I call a "Shadow Blitz" can help predict which stocks are ready to explode…

Handing everyday traders huge cash windfalls in as little as 24 hours!

How to Use This Powerful Trading Discovery

Lance Ippolito

Lance is a professional trader and a successful entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in the financial markets.

2 Ways to Predict This Week's Inflation Stock Movement

This past week's stock market was a hellacious one, and investors are still reeling.

We saw the Federal Reserve on Wednesday say things like "we're progressing and seeing progress on inflation," and how it's "not even thinking about thinking about raising rates."

What does that even mean?

It's absolute nonsense. The Fed is tiptoeing around the giant pink elephant in the room — inflation.

With wild swings in volatility, all investors want to do is learn how to predict stock movement today so they can save themselves a headache tomorrow.

And there are two key indicators traders should be watching right now that can help predict this week's major stock moves.

What Will Stocks Do Next?

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A New Money Crew Publication

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