Why We Don’t Buy Bitcoin: Another Huge Loss

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Why We Don’t Buy Bitcoin: Another Huge Loss

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By Lina Lee, Senior Managing Editor, American Investor Today

Dear American Investor,

A single tweet sent the world’s largest and most well-known cryptocurrency plunging.

On Wednesday evening, Elon Musk tweeted that Tesla would no longer accept payments in bitcoin. He cited concerns over the environmental impacts of mining the currency.

And in just two hours, bitcoin’s price lost over $7,000.

This is one of many examples of why we don’t recommend buying bitcoin or other overhyped cryptos like Dogecoin.

Sure, there are plenty of headlines about people touting their huge gains from these “investments.” But as you can see with this huge price slide, those gains can easily evaporate in the blink of an eye. Sometimes, over something as trivial as a tweet.

So, while the crypto bandwagon feels the pain of its losses, you can take advantage of the new profit opportunities we brought you this week.

From under-the-radar special situations to one volatility-safe fund, we covered it all…

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This Week's Opportunities:
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Reader Spotlight

From Jed T.: Hi Charles, I really enjoyed reading your issue on genome sequencing. It really hit home and gives me hope that one day, we can stop or detect cancers early on before they spread.  

In January of this year, I had a rare form of appendiceal cancer sneak up on me. I’m a healthy, active guy and get all the recommended cancer screenings. But this cancer isn’t one that’s recommended to be screened for. The only way to detect it is with a CAT scan. I had one sharp pain that I thought was an appendix attack, so I had a CAT scan and found out it was advanced appendiceal cancer that had spread to other organs. 

In February, I had a risky major surgery and special chemo treatment. I’m now undergoing six months of chemo treatments. The doctors don’t have a rosy outlook for life expectancy. But I am trusting my Lord to give me more years than the doctors say I probably have.

Thank you so much for all the research you put into your recommendations.

Jed, we hope your treatment goes well! Thank you for writing in and sharing your story with us.

And for all our readers out there, we’d love to hear from you as well. How are you — or your nest egg — benefiting from new health care tech advancements?

As always, we can’t give personalized advice. But we read every email you send us. We’re committed to helping you better your lives. So, be sure to write in to us by sending us an email right here.


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Lina Lee
Senior Managing Editor, American Investor Today

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