GOING, GOING, GONE... last chance to score 8-hour winners

The clock is ticking... we've lowered the price and added 2 bonus gifts... are you in?
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Trader, this is the last call for you to start chasing money-doubling gains in as little as 8 hours. Please act before your head hits the pillow tonight.

When you say "yes" to this amazing opportunity, you'll receive an average of 4 real-time trade alerts every month, complete with trader commentary and analysis, each one targeting gains of up to 100% in as little as 8 hours or less.

Just enter the trade online (or forward the email to your broker)... then we'll tell you when to cash out for maximum profits. You'll never hold a single Overnight Trader recommendation longer than 5 trading days... and most will be closed in just one day (or less).

We're right in the middle of one of the best trading environments I've seen in years.

This earnings season is chock-full of companies that will miss or exceed expectations and that will send stocks tumbling or soaring...

And we'll be there to help you capitalize with huge gains from Overnight Trader.

Just take a look at this sampling of recent winners.

  • 167% GAINS on Yeti Holdings
  • 107% GAINS on NIO Inc.
  • 95% GAINS on Peloton Interactive
  • 158% GAINS on Penn National Gaming
  • 103% GAINS on Apple Inc.
  • 95% GAINS on Pinterest
  • 109% GAINS on DraftKings Inc.
  • 108% GAINS on Twitter

Every one of those trades was closed in 3 trading days or less!

And that's just a few of our recent winners... current subscribers have many more big hits to brag to their friends about.

This is your chance to take your trading to the next level... and I've got an offer to make it very easy for you to do just that.

Until midnight tonight, you can still claim a full year of Overnight Trader for just $199 - a huge discount off the regular one-year cost of $1,495.

Plus, to welcome you to the Overnight Trader program, I'll throw in a second year of trades at no cost to you!

And because I know once you experience these exciting, high-octane trades, you'll be hooked... I'm going to throw in a THIRD year of trades, as a way of saying "thank you!"

That means you'll receive 3 years of fast, hot trades for just $199! And you'll get started with our very next hot trade that could come out as early as tomorrow.

Act Now!

But this deal will be gone when the clock strikes midnight.

Don't let other traders be the only ones to make these big gains - start getting in and cashing out with huge profits in as little as 8 hours with Overnight Trader!

All the best,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

P.S. Overnight Trader is easy to execute, and the profits are real. Join before tonight's midnight deadline and see for yourself.

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Collect Profits this Earnings Season (and Beyond)...
In as Little as 8 Trading Hours!

Hi Trader,

Let me get straight to the point... no beating around the bush.

I firmly believe we're standing at the doorstep of one of the best money-generating opportunities I've seen in years.

And over the next few minutes, I'm going to share one simple step you can take to turn that opportunity into money... lots of it.

Let me explain...

While the markets have calmed some over the last few months, there are still plenty of profit opportunities... and all it takes is one impetus to get things really moving again.

Well, I believe that impetus is right in front of us...

... Earnings season!

That's right, we're smack-dab in the middle of earnings season... and just a few surprises can really get the markets rolling and profits flowing.

I'm talking about money-doubling gains (or more) in as little as 8 hours (or less)!

And let's be real... with all the impacts of Covid-19, there are going to be some real surprises this season.

Combine earnings season with all the uncertainty around the country re-opening, Biden's economic intentions, and geo-political tensions... and this market could hit roller-coaster mode any day.

And when it does, some investors will run for the hills, afraid of the volatility.

Problem is... by the time they realize their mistake, they've already missed out on tons of profits.

But I'm writing to you today, Trader, because I'm convinced that you're not one of those "run for the hills" investors.

You're in the markets to make money, and you recognize that we're standing on the doorstep of some of the easiest - and fastest - profit opportunities I've seen in a long time.

I'm talking about serious profits in as little as 8 hours or less!

No such thing you say? Well think again.

Because that's exactly what one small group of investors is doing - raking in bunches of extra cash while they sleep - by taking advantage of my "overnight" profit strategy.

And today, you have the opportunity to get in on the action... to target big gains in just 8 trading hours... or even less...

If that's not the easiest way to make money in the stock market, I don't know what is.

We call it Overnight Trader... and it's perfect for traders who want to protect their capital and target fast profits.

In fact, each recommendation targets gains of up to 100% and is closed in as little as 8 hours.

And until midnight tomorrow, you can save a bundle with this special offer...

Overnight Trader is regularly priced at $1,495 per year, a very fair price considering it offers an average of 4 mega-fast profit opportunities each month.

But you won't pay anywhere near that today.

I'm so excited about the profit opportunities from earnings season and beyond, that I'm inviting you to join the Overnight Trader family for a full year for just $199!

And the savings don't end there, Trader.

Join now and I'll throw in an extra year of trades at no cost to you!

Actually, I'm so excited about the profit potential of these super-fast trades, that I'm going to go one step further... I'm going to throw in a THIRD year of trades, too!

That means you'll receive 3 FULL YEARS of overnight trades - an average of 4 every month - for JUST $199!

As an Overnight Trader, you'll have the potential to make up to a thousand dollars or more in extra cash with every trade, so don't let this amazing profit opportunity pass you by... join today.

Act Now!

Three Simple Trading Rules to Help You
Maximize Your Overnight Returns in Today's Market

If you want to profit from the volatility that occurs overnight, then you'll want to follow these three simple trading rules:

Simple Trading Rule #1: Play the Bounce (or Plunge)...
and Double Your Money Overnight

"Play the Bounce (or Plunge)" means paying close attention to trendlines and potential levels of support or resistance - which often lead to a quick stock move in a particular direction.

That's exactly what happened when our Overnight Trader subscribers recently banked mouthwatering 108% gains on Twitter.

We recommended that investors buy calls. Turns out, we were right about the direction of the shares.

The very next morning, we recommended selling half of the calls for a whopping 86% overnight gain...

Then just 2 days later, we recommended selling the second half for another 131% gains!

In total, subscribers made a huge 108% profit on Twitter!

Those who purchased 6 contracts for a mere $1,665 sold for $3,468, banking a huge $1,803 profit in just 3 days!

Don't think for a second that Twitter is the only recent hit for these savvy traders.

No way... Overnight Traders are banking big gains time and time again. Here are just a few more recent examples of the gains you can make:

  • 167% GAINS on Yeti Holdings
  • 107% GAINS on NIO Inc.
  • 95% GAINS on Peloton Interactive
  • 158% GAINS on Penn National Gaming
  • 103% GAINS on Apple Inc.
  • 95% GAINS on Pinterest
  • 109% GAINS on DraftKings Inc.
  • 108% GAINS on Twitter

The longest holding period from those mega-winners was 3 short days!

Talk about quick gains... and there are plenty more on the horizon from earnings season and beyond.

And that brings me to the second rule of trading, which is...

Simple Trading Rule #2: Protect Your Capital

With short-term trading, your capital exposure is limited to just a few days or hours. So, you don't have to sweat bullets while the market tosses your stocks back and forth like a tennis ball for weeks at a time.

You can protect your capital by getting in and out of the market quickly.

That's why, as an Overnight Trader, it's amazingly easy to protect your capital.

Because you're in and out of the market in as little as 8 trading hours or less.

So instead of clutching your stomach as you watch your stocks swing wildly back and forth... you could be raking in big gains with just a few short hours of trading.

And that brings me to the third rule of trading, which is...

Simple Trading Rule #3: Freeze Time ...
and Get the Most Bang for Your Trading Buck

As an Overnight Trader, every recommendation you receive will be 1 to 7 days out from its expiration.

Some will be weekly options, and some will be monthly options. But every option will expire in 7 trading days or less.

And for most trades, we'll at least partially close out on the very next trading day.

Why the short time frame? Because by closing out the trade so quickly, you can in essence "freeze time."

Let me explain.

As you probably know, options lose value as time passes. It's called time decay. And the longer you hold an option, the more time decay eats into your premium - and thus your profits.

But time decay does not affect your option premiums when the market is closed. So as an Overnight Trader, you can in essence "freeze time" - and take advantage of all the profit potential that overnight volatility presents... with absolutely no downside.

You can buy options that let you profit big from overnight market moves... without having your profits eaten away by time decay - or a market that moves against you.

That's why it can pay off to "freeze time" when trading.

If you, too, want the chance to grow your money by up to 100% in as little as 8 hours, then please join now. Don't let this lucrative opportunity pass you by.

Click here to get started.

Act Now!

Put Fast Market Moves to Work for Your Portfolio Today!

Now let me be perfectly clear. I'm NOT suggesting you ONLY have these fast-action trades in your options portfolio. When you need more time for your move to play out, you need to stick with a longer trading time frame.

But there are times (like right now) when these kinds of trades really make sense - particularly when all the signs show that a stock is about to make a significant, quick bounce (or plunge). (Hint... the kind of moves that come from earnings releases.)

And with earnings season off and running, there are tons of stocks about to make that fast jump or sudden tumble... and that means big profits for savvy investors like our Overnight Trader subscribers.

To successfully play the bounce (or plunge), you need a reliable set of short-term indicators... Indicators that allow you to select winning trades based on a price forecast of as little as 8 trading hours.

Proprietary indicators like the ones we've developed over the past 39+ years here at Schaeffer's Investment Research.

Now one of the really great things about being an Overnight Trader is that you don't have to invest a lot of cash to target big profits.

Many of our trade recommendations will cost around $500 or less to enter.

Now that doesn't mean we'll NEVER send you a trade that costs a bit more to get in. Some will be more expensive. After all, I would hate for you to miss out on a really hot profit opportunity just because it costs a little bit more.

And remember, with Overnight Trader, you're in and out of the market in as little as 8 TRADING HOURS or less. We're talking one trading day here.

And every trade targets up to 100% gains.

So, an overnight investment of $1,000 could generate $1,000 in extra cash in no time at all.

Now $1,000 might not sound like much. But if you were to do that 4 times this month, you'd have an extra $4,000 in cash.

If you were to do that every month, you could have up to $48,000 in extra cash in a year's time!

And here's the really great thing about Overnight Trader.

Because you're in and out of nearly every trade by the next trading day, you can "recycle" your trading capital over and over again... flipping it from one trade to the next... potentially generating bigger and bigger gains each time.

It's the old "power of compounding" secret. And you could use it to turn a little bit of money into a big wad of cash - making just 4 trades a month.

Now let me be clear... there will be losing trades. That's the way it is when you trade options. You'll have winners and losers.

But remember... the most you can lose on any single trade is the amount you invested, while your potential gains are unlimited.

It only takes a few big winners to more than overpower any losing trades that you have along the way... and that's why I love options trading so much.

And it's also why I don't recommend reinvesting every penny you make. It's always good to take some cash off the table from those big winners and stash it away for a rainy day.

The bottom line is that my Overnight Trader service gets you in and out of trades so quickly that the potential to compound your profits is huge.

And your potential for savings is huge too, if you act quickly...

That's right... with this amazing offer, you can receive a year of Overnight Trader - valued at $1,495 - for just $199.

But today, I'm offering way more than just huge savings... I'm offering free trades (lots of them)!

Yup... to welcome you to the Overnight Trader family, I'll throw in a second year of trades at no additional cost. At 4 trades per month, that's an extra 48 trades absolutely free!

And as a Schaeffer's VIP, you get even more... I'll throw in a third year of trades absolutely free!

That's 3 years of trades for way, way less than the normal cost of a single year!

Start targeting big-money gains by trading options overnight. It's easy with Overnight Trader!

Act Now!

Top 10 Reasons to Join Schaeffer's Overnight Trader Today

#1: Designed to Deliver Double-Your-Money Profits in as Little as 8 Hours - Every single Overnight Trader option recommendation targets gains of up to 100% in as little as 8 hours or less - you'll rake in the gains practically overnight!

#2: Protects Your Cash with Fast-Turnaround Trades - As an Overnight Trader, you can invest in many trades for just a few hundred dollars each... and because you're in and out of the market so quickly - always in one week or less - you're protected from market volatility.

#3: Lets You Reinvest to Compound Your Investment - Because you're in and out of the market so quickly, you can reinvest your profits (or cut your losses short) almost immediately.

#4: Lets You Take Full Advantage of the Modern Market Environment - Take advantage of the fastest market moves to avoid time decay and maximize your profits!

#5: Simple to Trade - Overnight Trader keeps it simple, only recommending straight option calls and puts.

#6: You Receive Multiple Chances to Profit Each Month - with an average of 4 Overnight Trader recommendations every month.

#7: Get Detailed Research on Every Trade - For each new trade, we'll shoot you an email containing a link to both an easy-to-understand trade recommendation and a trade commentary. Just click on the link for the specific option recommendation, as well as greater insight on why we think the trade is poised to deliver gains of up to 100% in as little as 8 trading hours or less.

#8: We'll Tell You When to Close... As Soon as the Next Trading Day - You'll receive email instructions telling you how to close out each position, so you're never left wondering what to do. You just sit back, place the trades, and wait for further instruction.

#9: Everything You Need to Know to Make Money in as Little as 8 Hours - Your FREE Quick Start Guide gives you detailed money management guidelines so you can easily trade options overnight while maximizing your profit potential and minimizing your risk.

#10: You Can Receive 3 Years of Access at Huge Savings Off the One-Year Price - Join Overnight Trader before midnight tomorrow at huge savings and receive two bonus years of trades at no additional cost!

Act Now!

Don't Sit Out and Miss Out...

So now that I've shown you how simple it is to target easy money with "overnight options," you have to ask yourself...

Do you want to take the impending uncertainty and market volatility from earnings season (and beyond)... and use it to rake in profits in just one trading day?

Or do you want to sit out and miss out... while others are making huge gains over and over again?

The choice is yours...

Remember, with this amazing opportunity, just $199 gets you 3 full years of these hot trades.

With Overnight Trader in your arsenal, you'll sleep a lot better at night... knowing you can double your money in as little as 8 hours.

Hurry! This special subscription offer ends at midnight tomorrow.

Sign up now... and start earning those "overnight profits" with our very next recommendation.

Yours for bigger profits,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

P.S. Now that you know the secret to raking in gains in just hours, take advantage of the strategy that can help you make profits overnight time and time again. Join Overnight Trader today!

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Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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