Alternative Medicine Stocks: A Big Step Forward in Mental Health

The stock market rally finally suffered substantial losses Thursday as the 10-year Treasury yields continue to rise. So, do we find ourselves staring down the barrel of a broad stock market retreat or a sector rotation?

The Millionaire's Trick Revealed

May 12, 2021

Wall Street legend Chuck Hughes is embarking on a journey to change lives this summer…

Handing over three secrets he's never shared with anyone before…

And kicking off a select group of traders with a special $50,000 challenge account.

If anyone wants to join Chuck on this never seen before challenge...

Make Sure to Grab a Ticket

Alternative Medicine Stocks: A Big Step Forward in Mental Health

Everything in the media lately has been crypto this, inflation that… And that's fair. Inflation is a big concern for the markets, and crypto is the "sexy" thing right now.

But inflation is old news, even if the media says otherwise… So it's time to shift our focus as the world shifts its stigmas. There's a big change in how alternative medicine is viewed, especially the big two: cannabis and psilocybin.

It wasn't long ago that cannabis was a 100% illegal substance — and yes, that fight is still going on, but the narrative is different. When President Joe Biden took office, it became a given that cannabis would be federalized.

What About Psilocybin?

The April Jobs Report Looks Better… but Inflation Is Still Accelerating

May 12, 2021

Inflation is just now hitting headlines following today's release of the Consumer Price Index. The number came in at a whopping 4.2% year-on-year, which is the highest level since just before the Global Financial Crisis...

Judging from all the coverage, you'd think this is coming as a complete surprise to all these news anchors. But top economists have been talking about this possibility for months.

Continue Reading

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