More record highs coming Tuesday?

Yesterday, the Dow and S&P 500 closed at record highs thanks to improving economic outlook.

Will they do it again on Tuesday?

It's certainly possible. No major events on the calendar ought to change the direction of the market, but of course, anything is possible.
Have you watched it yet?

The trading video sweeping around the internet?

You don't want to miss this. Rob really went all out to tell you about his latest venture.

Watch it here
Major Data Breach at Facebook
Have you checked your Facebook password recently?

According to reports, personal data for over 530 million Facebook accounts have been leaked online for free.

We covered all the details and shared how you could check your accounts in an article.

Check it out here
The Value of Trading Broken Stocks
Broken stocks:

You've heard about them. But what are they exactly?

Rob is an expert at trading them, and he wants to show you the way...

Watch the video here
Stock picking doesn't work.

It's impossible to beat the market.

Ninety-six percent of all traders fail.

Ever heard any of these?

We all have.

Based on "realistic" thinking, these comments are meant to protect us.

Protect us from what?

From making money.

Let's take them one by one.

Stock picking doesn't work?

Then how are people winning trade contests with verified results that are many multiples of the markets?

How are people with disciplined rules able to average over 13% per trade over ten months like they have in the StrikeZone program?

How are people with disciplined rules able to average over 22% per options trade over almost a year like they have in Profit Accelerator?

How are people with disciplined rules able to average over 25% per options trade over almost a year like they have in Profit Zone?

Those programs all "pick stocks" and seem to be doing okay.

It's impossible to beat the market?

Almost any disciplined trading system beats the market. That's the dirty little secret no one likes to tell us. Trend following systems, for example, have data going back over one hundred years that clearly show a system does better than the market. By a lot.

Ninety-six of all traders fail?

Where do they get their figures? How is this even calculated?

And what does fail mean?

Sure, many people quit. That's the tragedy of trading.

But many people make money.

If they don't make a million dollars, is that "failing"?

If they only make one dollar, is that "failing"?

If they lose for five straight years and then make 200% in that failing or winning?

Five years in a row seems like a fail and making 200% (more than the losing years) seems like a win.

It's a bogus, vague, life-limiting statistic that doesn't do anyone any good.
Trading is hard. Like anything else worth having.

But we don't need to let garbage negativity (based on nothing) into our lives.

We need to believe in our system and believe it can be done.

And get to work.

Leveraged trading in foreign currency or off-exchange products on margin carries significant risk and may not be suitable for all investors. We advise you to carefully consider whether trading is appropriate for you based on your personal circumstances. You may lose more than you invest. We recommend that you seek independent advice and ensure you fully understand the risks involved before trading. The information on this website is intended as educational in nature and we do not recommend that you buy or sell any specific financial instrument.
Daily Profit Publishing , 1800 Hughes Landing Blvd. Ste. 200, The Woodlands, TX 77380, United States

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