4 Back-To-Normal Stocks To Watch

Published: March 9, 2021

Big Debt + 83% Crash
+ Dividend Cuts
= 157% Return?

What do an 83% stock price dip, dividend cuts and a mountain of debt have in common?

They were all bad news headlines about Apache Corp. in April 2020.

So with those awful headlines, how did ex-hedge fund manager Lance Ippolito know to buy in at that time…

And walk away with a 157% return just over a month later?

He just waited for this.

Learn How He Did It Here

Roger Scott: 4 Back-To-Normal Stocks To Watch

Many sectors were hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic…

But the tables are finally turning. And since the stock market is a forward-looking mechanism that prices things in ahead of time, these back-to-normal stocks are ready to roll. 

So in this video, I thought I'd discuss four back-to-normal stocks on my radar right now... so you can add to your watchlist too! 

I anticipate sentiment for these stocks will only continue to drive their prices higher over the next few quarters...

There Are No Mistakes Here

*clicking these links will automatically subscribe you to Roger Scott emails

Jeff Zananiri: How
The Jobs Report
Impacts Your Trades

It was another crazy week with a move we all expected finally happening on Thursday as the Nasdaq entered correction territory. Then we got to see the jobs report's effect on the market the following morning…

And there's a phrase that comes to mind: "The first move is the wrong move."

After the Nasdaq entered correction territory, there was panic among investors.  And Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell's comments on inflation further triggered a large-scale sell-off. 

We told you not to lose your heads like most people. After seeing the jobs report's effect on the market, panicking was a textbook case of how not to react.

When big, market-altering numbers come out, the first move is usually the wrong one.

Here's Our Advice

*clicking these links will automatically subscribe you to Joy of the Trade emails

5 Ways To Profit
From the Stock
Market Pullback

March 5, 2021

I thought it'd be beneficial to give you five strategies you can not only use to outperform, but profit from the stock market pullback.

Continue Reading

A Stock Pick for The Nasdaq Correction

March 5, 2021

The pullback we predicted is finally here, but don't panic. If you weren't prepared, we have advice for trading the Nasdaq correction.

Continue Reading

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