The stars have lined up for you today, Trader

You don't have to believe in astrology to know something special is happening tonight...
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Today is your last chance.

If you look up tonight, you might see Jupiter and Saturn come together. Tonight, they'll transform into one of the brightest stars in the sky.

This "great conjunction" hasn't happened since the 1200s.

It's your last chance to see a once-in-800-years event, rarer than Halley's Comet.

It's also your last chance to get the deal of a lifetime.

The stars have lined up for you to join Weekend Trader Alert for life today.

If you subscribe with the link below, you can get access to the easiest system for profitable options trades forever... for less than you've probably already spent on your holiday shopping this year.

Why should you join Weekend Trader Alert?

Wouldn't you like to spend less time trading and more time taking your profit?

That's less time watching tickers and digging up data. More time to spend with family and friends, pursuing hobbies, or just being awesome at your job or in your business.

You'll get new trade ideas every week.

Handling your trades takes just minutes.

That's 52 trades a year. It might take you a couple of hours to take care of it all. All in all, you'll spend no more than 5 to 7 minutes per trade.

And you'll get profitable returns, like...

  • Danaher - calls sold on Jul. 15 for 100% gains.
  • Zscaler - calls sold on Jul. 6 for 100% gains.
  • Pinterest - calls sold on Jul. 6 for 100% gains.
  • Digital Realty Trust - calls sold on Jul. 31 for 120% gains.
  • Intercontinental Exchange - calls sold on Aug. 14 for 100% gains.
  • Big Lots - calls sold on Aug. 27 for 101% gains.
  • Caterpillar - calls sold on Oct. 16 for 101% gains.
  • Bilibili - calls sold on Nov. 19 for 100% gains.

These are just the double-your-money trade recs I've sent to Weekend Trader Alert subscribers in the past 6 months. All together, Weekend Trader Alert has found 12 trades that have doubled subscribers' money in 2020.

Access to Weekend Trader Alert normally costs $995 a year.

But the stars have lined up for you today, Trader.

Because you can join Weekend Trader Alert for a single payment of $149.

With $149, you'll get access forever.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime deal for a lifetime subscription.

I don't know what the stars will look like 10, 25, or 50 years from now.

But I know your portfolio will look better than you could've imagined.

Because you'll have profitable trades for life.

It's a special day, Trader.

I've never seen Jupiter and Saturn turn into a single bright star before.

I've never let anyone join Weekend Trader Alert for life before, either.

You'll never see either of these once-in-a-lifetime events again.

So don't miss out.

You've got just a few hours left to enjoy these two once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.

Jupiter and Saturn will shine brightly all night...

But your last chance to join Weekend Trader Alert for life ends at midnight.

There's a sign in the sky tonight. This email is a sign, too.

Maybe everything will work out, after all.

I'll see you inside. Let's make 2021 your best year ever.

Profitably yours,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

Divider Bar


This whole year has been weird. I don't need to point that out to you.

So I won't.

2021 will be different, but only because life might finally feel normal again.

In many ways, 2021 won't be too different from 2020...

Just like 2020 won't be too different from 2019, when we look back on it.

There were opportunities to make lots of money this year.

There were opportunities last year.

And there'll be many opportunities next year.

In fact, there might be more opportunities in 2021 than we've seen in some time.

We both know 2020 has been a (pardon my language) s**tstorm.

But what happens after the storm is gone?

Think about what happens in nature.

Life always gets back on its feet, after a storm or any other disaster.

That's going to happen all over the world in 2021, Trader. The whole world went through this s**tstorm... and we're still here.

Many people aren't.

But the best thing we can do, for ourselves and for everyone else, is to get back on our feet and find more opportunities for growth.

Of course, you're probably expecting me to sell you something.

Of course I am, because that's what I do. I sell opportunities.

Here's yours:

Still need to be convinced?

I'll tell you a little more about me, in case you subscribed to this newsletter a long time ago and forgot. It's okay, I understand. I'm not Warren Buffett. But I can help you do better than Buffett.

I've been selling opportunities to traders for almost 40 years.

I've been helping traders secure bigger profits with less effort since 1981.

I created Weekend Trader Alert for busy traders like you.

You probably don't want to spend all day glued to your computer (or phone) watching tickers and clicking buttons.

You can't really win that way, anyway. When you dive into full-time trading, you're going up against computers that never get tired, never slow down, and never run out of money.

That last part is pretty important, too. Algorithms can move markets because they've been staked with billions, not just because they're fast and relentless.

Weekend Trader Alert will help you take yourself out of the machine race and give you opportunities to cut the line ahead of the algorithms.

Humans know certain events are coming. We know how to anticipate and analyze those events in ways computers can't. Until they learn to anticipate, we've still got an edge.

That's how we find trades like Caterpillar, for a 101% gain in October.

Or Bilibili (who?) - a call that made traders 100% in a month in November.

It's a Chinese entertainment company, by the way. They make apps and games and things. We figure these things out so you won't have to worry about it.

All you had to do was read our email on October 19, make the trade, and close it out a month later. Click, click, click. That's all.

And you'd have literally doubled your money.

Other Weekend Trader Alert picks that have doubled this year include...

>> Big Lots (a 101% gain in August)
>> Intercontinental Exchange (another double in August - a 100% gain)
>> Digital Realty Trust (up 120% at the end of July)
>> Danaher ... and Zscaler ... and Pinterest (all 3 gained 100% in July!)

Don't wait around and miss out on the next opportunity.

Thousands of traders like you have already paid $995 to receive Weekend Trader Alert recommendations every week, for 52 weeks.

You can lock in access to Weekend Trader Alert recs every week for life if you act fast.

I've made just a few subscriptions available for a lifetime fee of just $149.

You probably spent more on Christmas presents... and those won't give you the chance to double your money with just a few clicks.

Make your next click your most profitable.

We'll find the opportunities. Just be ready to click!

Profitably yours,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

P.S... what you want is the blue text up there 👆👆👆. I'll send you more results later today, so keep your eyes out for my next email.

5151 Pfeiffer Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one's entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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