Tired of making trades too late?

The worst thing you can do in trading is look for new ideas or trades after the market opens.

It's why you spend your days trying to figure out why a stock loses as soon as you put money into it, checking your phone all day, and not consistently profitable.

As a 20 year veteran of trading successfully in the market using a unique mechanism called the New York Method, I can help you get rid of the stress, confusions, and overwhelm.

All the work for a successful trading day has to happen before the market opens.

Do you want to be short or long, and when?

What direction should you be trading?

Is there an opportunity?

Has the stock pulled back?

Has the stock gone too far?

Is the stock in the middle of nowhere?

What is the "Smart Money" doing?

I wake up at 5:30 am every morning and answer all these questions for you and I send the answers along with my daily stock picks directly to your inbox no later than 7:30 am.
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That's 2 hours before the market opens.

Ease into your morning with your cup of coffee, check your email and know exactly how you're going to trade for that day as soon as the market opens.

And you can go confidently about your day knowing your money is working for you, instead of you for it.

Just like these traders.

Click here to be instantly registered to receive Smart Money Alerts from me.
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See you tomorrow morning!



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