America got the president it deserved

Bill Bonner’s Diary

Emma’s Note: Bill is spending the week catching up with family and friends, having finally returned to the U.S. after nine months in lockdown at his ranch in Argentina. So today, we’re revisiting another of his past essays.

This was written the day after the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Donald Trump had made some big promises during his first election campaign. But would he be able to follow through on them?

For insight, Bill looks back at an earlier presidential campaign that promised radical change to see how it fared…

America Got the President It Deserved

By Bill Bonner

Bill Bonner

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – Finally, it’s over.

We checked the news this morning. We were both delighted and appalled. A smile spread over our face… and our steps lightened… as we looked ahead to four years without Hillary Clinton’s know-it-all mug in the news.

But our shoulders stooped, too, as we listened to Donald Trump’s victory announcement.

Depravity and Degeneration

As we predicted, Americans got the president they deserved. Now, “no dream is too big.” No nightmare is out of bounds, either.

Dow futures fell as much as 800 points as news spread and investors thought the end of the world had come.

But here at the Diary, we were serene. We had mocked both candidates… and mooned the sacred rite of democracy – the election itself.


No matter who wins, the insiders make the important decisions…

…but now, the voters are complicit in every foolish, fraudulent, and criminal act of the government; they are responsible for things they can’t possibly understand or control…

…and the election provides a cloak of respectability under which the Deep State can get away with murder.

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Democracy corrupts both voters and votees. Studies show that voters are unable to separate their ballots from their own self-interests. They don’t vote their consciences; they vote their wallets.

Retirees vote for more Social Security and Medicare benefits. The rich vote for lower taxes. The poor vote for more welfare benefits. And the insiders manipulate both the candidates and the voters to get what they want.

Remember our Diary dictum #21: “People are neither always good nor always bad, but always subject to influence.”

The influence exerted by politics is like a huge, black moon. Plants sprout, women give birth early… and mental defectives howl from the asylums.

Even on nice, normal people, the tug of lunatic gravity brings depravity and degeneration. Few voters can resist it. And almost no politicians.

If they are not craven before getting into office, once the newly elected officeholders walk into the sty, it is just a matter of time until they slip up and wallow with the pigs.

That is what happened to Ronald Reagan after the Gipper was elected in 1980.

More Waste

At the time, we were running the National Taxpayers Union, fighting a losing battle against “waste” in Washington. Then, at Reagan’s first inaugural ball, we were urged to pack up.

“You guys might as well go home,” said friends. “Reagan’s going to clean this town up.”

But Reagan forgot the scrubbing brush. The pace of new regulations slowed for a while. Tax rates were cut. But the trough was full, and the hogs ate more than ever.

Reagan was only in office for a few months when he began to feel the slime and grime upon him. He and key members of his team – who were firmly and honestly committed to cutting back the reach of Big Government – found that almost nobody was on their team. Neither Republicans nor Democrats… Liberals nor Conservatives… Red nor Blue.

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Inside the Beltway, practically no one wanted to cut “waste.” They wanted more of it.

Every penny spent went into some insider’s pocket. The more wasteful the spending, the more the nomenklatura protected it because more of it remained in Washington’s zip codes.

The wasteful spending increased during Reagan’s two terms. And then, once he was out of the way, the regulatory machine went back to work, too.

We discovered recently, for example, that the Department of Justice actually has a “feather policy.”

For many, many years, the nation had gotten along without one. But in 2012, the lawyers, activists, do-gooders, and hacks got together to decide who would be allowed to possess eagle feathers and who wouldn’t. Not a minute too soon, we suppose.

Then, their policy worked out with the elegance and subtlety of a ball-peen hammer; they brought it down on the head of one poor man.

A shaman used an Indian headdress as part of his professional get-up. He had been given the headdress many years earlier. Still, the feds proposed to put him in jail for eight years.

Clownish Perversities

Will Donald J. Trump do what Reagan couldn’t? We doubt it.

But every society needs its heroes, its gods, its myths, and its mumbo jumbo.

Most importantly, it must decide who gets to kill and steal without consequence.

That’s what politics is all about.

And the American system… for all its clownish perversities… is not the worst in the world.




P.S. American voters have been stabbed in the back by Washington insiders. With the election all but over, the real crisis begins. In 2021, either the dollar will break under the burden of huge U.S. deficits, or the U.S. bond market will. Both pose the single biggest threat to your retirement. There is only one real way to save it.

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A dear reader is prepared for the end of the American Empire…

You know, Bill, I’m 72 years old and really don’t give a damn what’s going on in Argentina. And I really don’t care about the U.S., either. I have set myself up with as much leverage as a person could have and that includes a bolthole, gold (both physical and stocks), 25-year food, first aid products, and everything else.

– Bob W.

Another says it’s hard to keep track of the pace of change…

Hi Bill, great reading of your adventures down south. I live about 30 miles east of San Francisco and it is hard to keep up with the changes occurring every day. I purchased a plot of land in Indonesia earlier this year (pre-COVID). Can’t even go visit it now.

– Barry N.

And finally, one dear reader gives Bill advice on cattle for the next time he’s at his ranch in Argentina…

Wishing you a safe trip back to the U.S. I’m a cattle farmer based in Botswana, Southern Africa. You could use Charolais to take care of the weight and feed efficiency at the feedlot. Or you could use the Wagyu to add marbling/flavor, as well as health benefits. This, of course, depends on the grading system used by the meat processors in your locality. There’s also the replacement heifers to consider... and the appropriate tool to use for your bull selection in this case is the replacement index.

Also, consider using reproduction technologies for continuous improvement of your breed genetics, which could lead to better performance animals, which ultimately improves the profits.

– T. S.

How are you preparing yourself for the next financial or social downturn? Did Donald Trump do what Ronald Reagan couldn’t? Write us at


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